I don't know what to feel, I don't understand what happened. I wanna believe she didn't do it. I wanna believe that he was lying and that she was telling the truth. The look in her eyes just broke my heart, I wanted to stay and forget it all happened but I just couldn't bring myself to do that.
"Justin?" My little sister pokes her head in my door. "Jazzy please go away." My room was dark, and quiet, the way I wanted it. I didn't need anyone bothering me. "It's been four days, you haven't eaten anything, you haven't come out your room. " she sighs bringing me a tray, I didn't care what was on it because I wasn't gonna eat it. "Justin, please talk to me." She pleaded and I just kept staring at my ceiling. "Your hopeless." She mumbles under her breathe. "Come on Justin, don't let the best thing that's ever happened to you just walk out your life, you need her. she needs you. " what my little sister was telling me may be true but I just couldn't myself to move or speak, the pain was just too strong.
"Whatever. I'm done talking to you, but we go back to school so you better be ready in the morning to drive me." Jazzy huffs before walking out my room. Finally some peace and quiet. Yeah, Yeah I know I'm asshole but I can't help it, my hearts broken and it's nothing like I've ever felt, the pain feels unbearable. I don't even know how I'll pull myself together to go to school, She's gonna be there.
I don't know how I'll react to seeing her after almost a week. I don't think I'll be able to take it, it'll just bring back to that night. The night where I caught her making out with Jake. Most people would say I was an asshole for believing him over my girlfriend, but they didn't see what I saw. Right before they kissed she smirked at him and said something that made him smile.
Which is what led me to today. Why didn't I ask her about it? Well because I didn't have the strength to, and because I had seen what happened, I didn't need a recap. I turn my head to the clock that said 5pm, maybe I could use some rest for a bit. I close my eyes and let my mind drift off to sleep.
"Justin honey, get up its time for school." My mom gently shakes me, damn I was asleep that long? "I don't wanna go." I groan and my mom laughs. "Reminds me of when you were younger, come on Justin get up, you have to take Jazzy to school too." My mom gets up and walks out. I groan and roll out of my bed and head to my closet.
Today I would see her. I was dreading every minute of it, I don't know how I'll react to seeing her. No doubt I miss her like crazy, but I think it's just best for us to have some space. I grab a pair of sweatpants and a v-neck and put them on my body. Today I wasn't feeling school, as you can tell.
"Alright Jazzy let's go." I call towards my little sister. "Justin I'm right here, I was waiting for you." She sighs, that's weird normally I'm always ready before her, maybe I guess I was a little slower than usual... I just send her a nod and head to the car. "Justin, I don't know what happened but-" I cut her off right there. "Exactly you don't know what happened so shut up about it." I guess that was a little harsh, but I want every one to stop talking about her. It was already hard enough on me, I don't need anyone else bringing her up.
"I do know this, you and Brooklyn are so in love and for you to leave like this without talking to her about it then you're an idiot. It's clear that girl is madly in love with you, and you're head over heels for her. You need her, she needs you. Without each other you're two broken halves." Jazzy says and what she said was honestly the best thing that explained me and Brooklyn, but I just needed time. Time to think about everything.
"Alright, Bieber you'll be ok right?" The answer to this was obviously no since she was in all my classes. "Yeah, Jaz I'll be fine." I say walking towards my first class. Walking through the door was kind of nerve racking, considering I was anxious to see if Brooklyn had came to school. There she was sitting looking at the window, the moment she turned her head we locked eyes.
I felt like an idiot, seeing the pain her eyes, the way she turned her head and wiped the tear she thought no one saw, it broke my heart, and it made me want to shoot myself. But then I remember she hurt me too, I was feeling that pain too.
As I made my way to my seat, I tried to avoid looking at her, I sat down staring down at the floor, trying to get my mind of how terrible she looked. It just crushed my heart to know she was hurting because of this stupid thing, I wanted to talk to her and say that I forgive her and to forget this ever happened, but I couldn't do it, I couldn't bring myself to do it.
As the day traveled on, I couldn't keep my mind of off Brooklyn, her being in all my classes made everything worse. I couldn't think straight, I was just ready to go home. As the bell ring letting me know it was time for lunch , I quickly gathered my stuff to head to the cafeteria. "Bro!" Ryan comes behind me. "You've been acting weird this whole day? What's wrong with you?" I roll my eyes at Ryan, he knew exactly what was wrong with me.
"You already know, I don't feel like talking about it." I sigh as I throw my books and things in my locker and keeping the stuff I needed for homework. "she's the best thing you've ever had, don't let this go because of some stupid thing, you haven't even talked to her about what happened!" Ryan exclaims, I know I haven't , but I can't bring myself to do that, if I could I wouldn't be in this position. "Justin, your missing something, look at her she's just upset as you are, if not more. Bring your head out of your ass and go get her back." Ryan snaps at me, I sigh once again before closing my locker.
Last period of the day.
"Bieber! You're up." We were doing a basketball unit in Gym so we were playing a game today, and if it wasn't my luck I was put in while Jake was in. I mentally curse myself before going out on the court. "Awe is Bieber a little sad." Jake makes a fake pout face and I wanted to slap the shit out of him for doing so. "You know you're a real idiot." He laughs as he tries to make a shot but I block him.
"And why is that?" I say, well more like scowl towards him. "Well what kind of idiot believes a boy who was their girlfriends ex boyfriend then their actual girlfriend? I'll tell you, a stupid one." He laughs again as he blocks my shot. "Bieber! Martinez! Enough talking." The coach yells at us and I groan. "We'll finish this later." He smirks.
As we were walking out the locker I grab Jake and push him against the locker. "what was all that talk earlier?" I was literally two seconds away from killing this kid. "I'm just saying, I was the one who kissed her, she didn't flirt with me, I lied. " he laughs as if it was funny, that made me wanted to punch myself for being the biggest asshole in the world. "Besides she was too stuck on you, she told me that no one could satisfy her the way you could, that was a little too much information. You're an idiot you don't deserve a girl like her." He rolls his eyes, I wanted to be mad at him but I couldn't.
He was right. I didn't deserve her, she was everything, she was only loyal to me and I treated her like complete shit. I put Jake down and walk out. "Bro where you going?" Ryan asks.
"I'm gonna figure out a way to get my girl back."
Awwwww yay!
But keep voting & commenting
Remember to check out my other fanfic 'Unexpected' it's a Jason McCann one and it's my first so pleaseeeee go check out
Much love-Avia
Twitter : justinsprxblem
Instagram: justinsharmony

Fanfiction"you put up a wall and that you're broken, but a broken girl needs someone to put her together and I believe Justin is that someone for you" "She's broken , and I wanna be the one to help her , I want to put her back together. She's broken and I'm...