two hours before
"Damn why do I always have to screw everything up!" I yell and kick my car door. "Poor Justin, he may have lost the best thing you've ever had." Not again, I was kind of tired of seeing her, not to mention I was hella mad that she might have made me loose my girlfriend. "On the bright side, why don't we get out of here, you know just me and you." She steps closer and I grab her arm and push her against the car.
"You. You did this on purpose. If I loose my girlfriend, best believe you'll pay, I'll make your life a living hell." I grit through my teeth. I meant every single world. I'll make her pay for it, weather she likes it or not. "Maybe I did you a favor, you know, if Brooklyn really loved you and trusted you, shouldn't she have believed her own boyfriend over me? Maybe this was a sign you too aren't meant to be." Ally shrugs as its nothing, before I had time to react or say anything back Ryan places his hand on my shoulder.
"Let her go. Hurting her wont get Brooklyn back." Ryan says and I sigh and let my tight grip on her wrist go, ally smirks before heading back into the party. "Bro, what was all of that?" Ryan gives me a look and I I
Sigh. "Brooklyn thinks I cheated on her, but I didn't. Ally kissed me, she caught me by surprise, before I could pull back Brooklyn was ready standing there in front of me, she wouldn't believe me man. Do you know how that feels? That my own girlfriend doesn't believe me?" I shake my head, it made me angry, and also sad that she wouldn't believe me. I would never do something like that to her."Well bro, you just gotta give her some time to think, maybe she was just caught up in the moment." He shrugs like its nothing and that's when I lost it. "she doesn't trust me, she won't believe me, she doesn't love me. She believes that slut over me, she said it was too good to be true, what does that mean!? That she doesn't believe in us?" I raise my voice. "I've poured my heart and soul into that girl, and it hurts to think that what we have might not even be true." I frustratingly run my hands through my hair.
"Justin, wake up. If you doubt for one second that Brooklyn loves you then you're crazy. That girl is high off you, she loves you. The way she looks at you, that's what love is." Ryan says and I shake my head. "Than why won't she believe me when I said I didn't do it. Does she doubt the love I have for her? Does she doubt us?" I couldn't understand it, why was this happening. Why could she just trust me?
"I don't know man, give her time, she'll come around." Ryan tries to reassure me, but what's the point of a relationship without trust? Trust, Honesty, and Loyalty are important in a relationship and if those aren't what we have, then what's the point. "The Justin I know wouldn't give up on her. He wouldn't stop trying, he would make her believe her. Don't run away from your problems Justin, that's not gonna help anything." He say and I sigh.
"I know it won't, but what can I do! She won't believe me! She thinks I'm some sort of liar and Cheater, I don't get it, I've never lied to her before, so why would I now?" I yell, I know he didn't do anything but I'm just so frustrated with this whole thing. None of this would have happened if it weren't for me. But also I just wish she would trust me. "Justin, you're a fighter, don't just let the best thing that's ever happened to you just walk out. Go get her, you're not letting go that easy." He sternly says, "well maybe I am." I know I didn't mean it, but I need some time to think, the girl who've I put all my trust in, doesn't even trust me back?
I walk to my car and get it a slam the door. I needed to get out of here. I can't stay here, it's not good for me. I just feel myself getting angrier and angrier by the minute. I don't know what I'm angry at, myself for letting this happen, or Brooklyn for not believing or trusting me. I need time to think this over.
If she doesn't trust me, how far does she think we'd get in a relationship? It's all about trust. What really hurts the most is that I love her and she's supposed to love me, but she'd believe some slut over me! How does that happen? it's not supposed to happen. I love Brooklyn more than I've ever loved anyone, it hurts to think that she can't trust me, does that mean she doesn't love me?
I shake my head, that's crazy. There's not a doubt in my mind that Brooklyn loves me. I love her, we're meant to be right? I sigh and reach into my pocket and pull out this box. I had planned to give Brooklyn this, as a symbol that I'd always love her, not matter what happened, she'd always be in my heart. I wanted her to know that, but things kind of went wrong.
She didn't technically break up with me. So there was that hope. I just hope she'd listen to me. I didn't kiss her, why kiss that when I have the most beautiful girl in the world. Sighing before pulling out the driveway, I turn onto the road.
I just wanted my girlfriend in my arms, telling me she loves me as much as I love her, I want to look at her beautiful smile, I want to be the reason for the smile. I just want her to call me and say this whole thing was a joke. That she trust me and she knows the truth, that I didn't kiss her. Sadly that didn't happen. It was just myself all alone in my car driving to who knows where.
My thoughts were interrupted by a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I shake my head and look around. I guess I wasn't paying attention, because my car had spiraled out and it hit a treat. My glass from my front window and the passenger side had shattered, some of the shattered pieces found a way to stick in my body. I take a glance at my rear view mirror and I saw the glass had also made its way into my face, just inches away from my eyes.
"Help." I whispered to myself, ignoring the sharp pain that was in my head and my lower stomach, I reach in my pocket to grab my phone, which surprisingly wasn't shattered. I dial 911. "Hello, you're speaking with a 911 dispatcher, how may I help you?" The dispatcher says, I didn't have the strength to answer, but I knew I had to, because if I didn't I would die, and I didn't want to die.
"Car...hit... tree..by...highway.." My ability to form complete sentences started to fade away, and I could feel myself drifting off. "I'm going to try and track your location and help will be on your way immediately." I could only grunt in response. I didn't want to die, not like this. But if I did, I didn't want to end things like this. I wanted Brooklyn to know that I was sorry any of this happened.
My eyes started to get heavier and heavier, before the sounds of sirens filled my ears. "Sir, can you hear me, stay with me. You can do this." One of the paramedics calls to me. "Just tell her ....I'm ...,sorry! Tell ....Brooklyn....sorry.. " I mumble before I start to drift off. "Sir focus on my voice." I could only give a mumbled response.
Before passing out my lost thought was, It was my fault, I'm sorry and I love you Brooklyn.
Awwwwww Justin :(
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-Avia 💋
Twitter: justinsprxblem
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Fanfiction"you put up a wall and that you're broken, but a broken girl needs someone to put her together and I believe Justin is that someone for you" "She's broken , and I wanna be the one to help her , I want to put her back together. She's broken and I'm...