It had been a week since Justin came back and I was going crazy. Everyday he was getting bigger and bigger, which meant more and more fans. I knew I couldn't blame him, but sometimes I wanted him to myself, and between the fans and the paparazzi, there was barely any time for us.
"Brooklyn, Justin's here." I sigh as I finish the touch up's on my makeup. "Good morning baby." I smile as Justin wraps his arms around me. "You ready for your last week in high school?" I didn't realize it was the last week of my senior year, meaning that I would never have to come back to see these kids ever again. "Yeah, and then prom, I'm excited for prom! Oh my gosh! I can't wait, that nights gonna be just about us." Since Justin was a lot taller than me, I had to stand on my tip toes, to kiss him.
"I'm excited too, I have a big night planned for us, ok?" He grabs my hands and pulls them closer to his face. "Although a lot is changing right now and you're adjusting to it, I want you to know, I love you, I always have, and always will, don't forget that." He kisses my lips once again. "Alright let's get going before we're late." I grab his hand and we walk down the staircase. "So can you tell me about this big night?" I smirk, I was hopping he wouldn't Say surprise because then, he wouldn't tell me anything. Bastard.
"No can do sweetheart, it's a big surprise, and it's gonna be just the two of us." He smiles and kisses my cheek. I was glad to hear that, ever since his big break, it wasn't just the two of us, it turned out to be the 20 of us, I understand and I find it cute how his fans show so much love, but sometimes it'd be nice to go without them. "That sounds lovely." I nod my head before walking to his car. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, everything's gonna be alright." I nod my head as I take a seat in the passengers side.
It wasn't until I got in the car that I noticed he got a new one. "Oh my god! Justin! This car? It's gorgeous" I say touching the outline of the window. "Yeah, Uncle Scooter thought it'd be best if I got a new one to adjust to my fame." He shrugs as if it was nothing, this was a chrome fisker! It was like the best car to have and its speed, I can't believe he's able to get a car like this. "I call it the batmobile, it protects me from paparazzi, when they take pictures instead of getting me, they'll get theirselves. it'll be way more useful when I move to LA." Move to LA? Well I obviously knew it was him happen. "When are you moving to LA?" I ask turning my focus back to him. "Uh, I think he said the week after prom." I nod my head. "I want you to come with me, just me and you, we would be able to make it and you could start with your music too!" He was so excited, It was too cute.
"Justin, let's talk about this later ok?" I smile as I take his hand and walk into the school. "let's begin our last week as senior."
• • •
"Today went well, don't you think?" Justin says and I give him a 'really' look. Every girl was surrounding him, it was crazy, he had girls staring at him in class, he has freshman girls following him to his class, it was so annoying. None of them knew who he was until now, I swear I was gonna punch them in their face. "Awe baby, you're so cute when you're jealous." He coos and I roll my eyes. "Justin, I'm not jealous, I get you have fans and I proud but a little privacy would be nice." I say getting into the car and he nods. "I'm sorry baby, but you'll have me to yourself this whole weekend." he leans in to kiss my cheek.
"Good." I smirk and pull him closer to me to kiss his lips. "alright let's get out of here, you hungry?" He asks me as he slides in the drivers seat. "Yeah, uh I'm actually feeling McDonalds." I press my lips together at the thought of McDonalds, which I had been craving for a week now. "Alright that's fine with me." Justin says turning the key and starting up the car. "So have you gotten your tuxedo for Prom yet?" I ask and he nods.
"I actually went yesterday." He says proudly. "Well that's good, I can't wait to see you in a tuxedo." Well more like I couldn't wait until I could rip it off him but whatever. "Yeah, yeah you just wanna get me in bed." He scoffs making me laugh. "Like your intentions are any better." He gives me a smirk and I just laugh. "Babe, what do you want at McDonalds?" He ask pulling throw the driveway. "I want McNuggets with a vanilla shake!" Justin nods his head.
"Welcome to McDonalds how can I help you." The female voice says. "Uh can I have a Big Mac with no pickle Or onions and with a Large Coke, then can have the McNuggets with a medium vanilla shake? " Justin says into the speaker. "Yes, your total is $13.25, please pull up to the front window." Justin reaches out for his wallet but I stop him. "Here, on me." I hand him a twenty bill and he ignores me. "Justinnn." I whine and he rolls his eyes.
"When you're with me, you pay for nothing, ok?" He turns back to the cashier. "Oh my god you're Justin Bieber." She squeals and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes. "Yes, that's me." He gives her a smirk and she giggles taking the money and giving him the correct change back. "I loved your single and omg I can't believe I'm talking to you, you're so much more beautiful in person." She rambles and Justin just laughs. "Thank you sweetheart." He says once again making her blush. "Have a good day Justin." She waves before he pulls off with our food.
"Babe." Justin reaches for my hand. "What?" I turn to him. "Don't be mad." I look at him confused, I wasn't mad. "You're frowning." He chuckles and I shrug. "I didn't mean too, I'm not upset." I shrug my shoulders. "Alright well let's get out of here." He pulls back on to the road and heads to his house.
"So back to our conversation earlier, what do you think about just moving out to LA with me?" Justin asks me once we were inside his house. "Justin, I don't know that's a lot to be asking. I don't want to be known as Justin Bieber's girlfriend, I want to be known as a talented artist, and plus you'll be on tour and I just don't know if I'm ready for that yet." I don't think it'll be the right time, eventually I do want to move out to LA for that reason, but I want to do it on my own, and not because my boyfriend helped me. I wanna be somebody.
"So does this mean, when I leave after graduation, we're gonna break up?" I didn't wanna look at him, but I forced myself and His eyes were full of sadness. "I don't know what will happen Justin, I just know that it's me and you right now. When the time comes we'll figure it out, but for now. Let's make the best of it." I place a gentle kiss on his lips before pulling back. "Yeah, you're right. " he sighs. "I just don't wanna have to loose you, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me..." He mumbles against my lips and I smile.
"Baby no matter what, you'll always have me." I cup his cheeks. "And besides, if it's meant to be, it'll find its way back." I knew what he was thinking, but I chose not to acknowledge it because frankly I didn't know how this would all play out, and to be quite honest I was scared as hell, I didn't want to loose Justin, but I also want him to pursue his dream, and if that means leaving me then so be it. "Alright enough sappy moments Im hungry as hell, so let's eat." Justin grabs the McDonald's bag and starts eating. I know I was gonna loose him in a few months, but I'm gonna cherish the time I have with him.
Before it's too late.
Crying BC I don't want them to end 😭 but yeah three more chapters left guys! And then Broken is over.
But don't worry, it's sequel, Recovery, will be out between mid February - early March haven't decided yet.
During those weeks though I'm gonna focus more on 'Unexpected' because I really like that story and I have big plans for it, so please please go check it out, it's not bad, I promise! I want Unexpected to be doing well before I can release Recovery.
It's all up to you guys!
-Avia 💘
Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter to tweet and DM me thoughts, comments, questions, and/ or suggestions!
Twitter: justinsprxblem
Instagram : justinsharmony

Fanfiction"you put up a wall and that you're broken, but a broken girl needs someone to put her together and I believe Justin is that someone for you" "She's broken , and I wanna be the one to help her , I want to put her back together. She's broken and I'm...