2) The Fair

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Bradford is so beautiful at night, especially with my best friend Zayn.

Now if your wondering who Zayn is, he's my best friend. I have known him since I was a little toddler. We went to school together from Pre K to when he left...

Zayn told me we would spend the whole summer together, and boy did he mean it! We spend every waking minute together.

Today we went to the fair. I wanted to go to the movies or something, but Zayn is crazy and picked the fair. I was okay with it because he was paying. I was broke as a heart in a breakup. Zayn's favorite ride was the Ferris wheel. When I asked why it was his favorite he said "it was the most romantic".

Right now we are sitting at the top of the Ferris wheel watching the fireworks. They were so beautiful. Zayn started to sing to me when the fireworks were blasting around us. He sings beautiful but never let's anyone hear.

After we reached the bottom, we got off and walked to where all the games were. I played the ring toss, and let me just say I failed epically. We walked a little while longer when I was stopped by ugly faces. Okay I'm not usually mean and stuff but I have to. The ugly faces were three of the most popular girls in school.

They have always been really mean to me from the beginning. There was Kaylie, Rebecca, and of course the leader Kate Johnson. Kate walked right up to me and told me to move and I was blocking the walk way.

I was gonna jump them when Zayn held me back. Okay like I said, I am not the mean kind but I just can't stand them. Kate was all over Zayn in school so I wonder what she will say this time.

Once I was done thinking, she spoke. 

"Wow Zayn don't you want to spend time with me instead of that wanna be?" Zayn looked mad but he was still holding me.

"You don't talk to my bestfriend like that." Zayn spoke. Kate was so angry she just left with her two minions on her sides.

Okay on that note I said, "Can you take me home?"

"But it's only eight." He replied.

I started walking when he stopped me.

"Look I know your upset they were jerks to you and I'm sorry." Zayn told me.

I thought about it for a minute then knew I couldn't let those jerks ruin my night with my best friend.

"Okay. Thanks Zayn, what would I do without you? I'm glad I have someone like you."

"Me too. Okay so there's supposed to be a really good concert at nine. You wanna stay till then?" Zayn asked me.

"Sure I just hope we don't run into the uglies."

The concert was amazing! Zayn and I had so much fun. I can't remember the name of the band but they were awesome.

On the way home Zayn started singing again to "Royals" by Lorde.

I thought to myself, dang this boy can sing!

Once he pulled into my driveway he hugged me and wanted to know what we were doing tomorrow. I told him just text me and pick me up. We said our goodbyes and I went inside.

Wow that boy is crazy but I love him.

I was laying in bed on MSN news, and there was a advertisement for the X-Factor.

All I was thinking about while reading was Zayn, and how good he will be on the show.

Should I call him? Should I not?

Heck I'm calling.

I dialed his number and he picked up after two rings.

He wondered what was wrong and I was really excited to tell him, that I was talking so fast on the phone. Zayn had to stop me and asked for me to talk slower. So I did, and he wasn't that excited about it like I was.

I mean he was happy and wanting to do it, but there was this thing in his voice saying he was scared.

Zayn finally told me. "Look Brooklyn, I know you want me to do it, but I'm just scared."

"Scared of what?" I asked

"Scared people won't like me."

"There is nothing to be scared about! People will love you! Your an amazing singer and now it's time to go and show the world." I added.

"Really? Well okay then I'll do it." He said with more life into his voice.

Oh my gosh this is really happening!

"Wait he said. What about our summer?"

"Are you kidding me?! Don't worry about our summer, everything will be fine!" I told him excited.

''Okay well Zayn I'm super tired and we have a our day tomorrow. Good night best friend!"

"Good night Brookie."

hello lovely readers.. again. :) thanks for reading! we would love it and you guys, so much if you would vote for us??? haha please vote comment and follow!

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