The other side...

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Chapter 37

Her Story

22.01. Amsterdam.

I think it was 10 minutes.
Yes, 10 minutes past, and I was still standing near the table, holding the phone. It was beeping on me for a long time already, but I was still trying to regain my consciousness.

I tryed to put it at the place carefully, but my hands were shaking so bad- I dropped it.
As it fell on the floor the door opened. Lance was looking at me, as I could see - very worried.
- Something wrong?...What is it?..Airy?...What happened??, - he was standing next to me, with the phone in his hand.

-Yea, I think so....,- I answered, but I didn't feel right. What the is going on???
Why am I so inflated because of him??
- You need to get some sleep. Come on, get back to bed. Please...,- he put his hand on my shoulders and "pointed me to a bed".
He is right...I am totally exhausted. He covered me with a blanket and left the room. 

He is a good man.
Smart, hardworking.
With all his huge size, bierd and tattoos - he is a total sweetheart, nice and tender.
And - I know he loves me.
But I feel nothing for him.
Nothing, but affection and gratitude. And he looks so like his brother. So like the only man I ever loved...

Before I met him.
This incredible, fantastic, unbelievably strange Korean boy.
My heart start beating faster the moment I thought of him... Kwon JiYong, what did you do to me? Why am I feeling like this?

Well, deep inside I already knew the answer. Yes, I am absolutely, unconditionally in love.
Shit. I swear, I didn't see that coming....
I closed my eyes, bagging for sleep.
I will deal with it tomorrow.
Like I said yesterday.
And a day before. And last week....


" Did you missed me?," - his wisper was so close, I could feel it on my skin. Whispering, biting my earlobe, touching me...."Oh, yes, I missed you...missed you so much..."
I could feel his heat, his arms around my body. I could smell his perfume... I could feel his breath on my face, i hear his giggle when I kissed his eyes and eyebrows...."
I woke up...
God... Am I going crazy??


Morning fell down on me, and I felt like I didn't sleep at all. My head was so heavy, I barely could raise it from the pillow.
Knocks on the door - Lance, probably..And yes, he entered the room with two glasses in his hands.
Smell of fresh coffee almost saved me...
- Morning, girl! How are you feeling? ,- he reached for curtains remote and pushed the up button.

-Damn, Lance, why???..,- I covered my eyes with a hand - the sun was so bright - I couldn't keep them opened.

How many hours passed?
I slept at all?

- You need to get up...,- he gave me the glass and dropped my cell on the bed.
- I took it yesterday, so you could sleep.

- Thank you.,- coffee was perfect. May be I am still alive after all.

- We will be waiting for you downstairs. You remember what date is today, don't you?...,- he was looking at me with a childish smile.

- Yes, I do...,- I threw a pillow on him, but it smashed on the door - he already left the room.
It's Karl's birthday today.
My second father's big day.
So I am not going to be like this....

I got up, and convinced myself to get in to the bathroom. It's a good day.

Airyn, hajja!!
I cought myself in the mirror, making this hilarious move with my two hands in the air. I remembered - the boys were doing it every couple of hours, and it was so funny!..

It's going to be fine. I am fine.
Hot water did the job- I was relaxed.

Welcome to a new day, Airyn Dawson.
Thank you for not giving up....

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