Ever After...

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Chapter 46

I stood by the desk, and reception clerk was trying to complete my check out.  To slow....

- I am sorry miss Dawson, but you have nothing to pay.  The room was payed in advance..

- Okay, Thank you very much!, - I sqweezed a smile and asked to get me a taxy  to the airport.

It's over. Done.

After Ji Yong left I was confused. And concerned. So I called Seungri and explain him what just happened. I hope they will support him, I am sure -  he is hurt.
Well...I can't find a single word to describe what I am feeling right now..

I did what I did, and it's to late and totally useless to try and change something....

I am sorry for being sensitive and impulsive, sorry for coming here at the first place...

I knew it would be exactly like this. But I still did it. So - no complaints, Airyne Dawson. You got no right for that...
All the way to Incheon Airport I was thinking of him. What is he doing? Who is beside him? Is he okay?
Thinking of him helped me not to feel more miserable.
I am not gonna forget you. It's simply impossible. Thinking of you every single minute of my continued existence will be my punishment...

For being stupid and irresponsible..
For loving someone like you....

Ji Yong

When I got home I couldn't even remember myself driving. Last hour just been wiped clean out of my memory.
I approached the fridge and took out a beer. It is cold...Good, because my hands were burning. My whole body was on fire - I couldn't say what it was. Maybe I got fever....
I hope what I did was right. For the first time in my life, I thought of someone else's feelings before mine..

I was pissed at first... No, I was really angry with her.
For leaving like this. For letting go.

But now I got it...That's me.
I am the one who left. I letted go. I left her there and closed the door.

No one to blame - it's just logic.
Because we are to damn different.
Because she got her own life, and I got mine. So simple.
We will never be a "normal couple", we just can't be like everyone else.

Or can we? May be we didn't try hard enough? May be we didn't gave much thought about it, so it never had a chance?
We doesn't even talk about it...

"Seoul - Amsterdam" 18:45....
I still have time...

I grabbed my keys and headed for the door, when door bell rings. I looked at the screen....Seungri.
I opend the door and stepped out closing it behind me.
- Hyung?..., - he was surprised to see me it this kind of mood.
- Sorry, bro, I gotta go!, - I pushed the elevator button and turned towards him.
- If you want - you can come, or wait inside till I'm back..,- I heard the "ding" and entered the elevator.
Seungri was still standing with the most shocked face.
- Come on!!!,- I pulled him inside and pressed L.
- Where are you hurrying so much? ,- he was studying my face, probably looking for some kind of stress or whatever.
- Incheon.
- Ahh, come on, hyung, you know she is not gonna stay, don't you? You can't do this to her ...to yourself, you know, right?
His voice was desperad.

-Not even planning on it,- I said, and suddenly I felt so calm and confidant..

I know exactly what I am going to say to her. This is my last chance to keep things the way they are, and I will do whatever it takes to make it right.
- Are you coming?,- I was sitting inside the car already, and Ri was still outside.
-No, - he closed the door and took a step back. , -Good luck! Drive safely and call me if you need me, right?


She stood by the window, looking at the plains, taking off and landing. Second call for boarding - but she is still there. Like frozen.
When she finally turned to pick up the luggage, he came from behind and hugged her closely.
They where standing, holding to each other, he was wispering something in to her ear, she was crying...
When he finally letted go- there were no tears is his eyes, and not in hers...
They walked hand in hand, till they found the right boarding gate.
He turned towards her, hugged her again and kissed her. Long, passionate kiss.
When they separate their hands - both were smiling.
- Never change your phone number, you hear me?, - he said.
- You know where to find me, don't you?, - she asked with a smile..

- Let's give it a chance. Lets try to stay together in every possible way...
Until one of us, or we both will be tierd of this "long distance relationship"...,- his look was soft and ful of love.
- Okay,- she just said and kissed him again, before disappearing in the boarding corridor..
- I will miss you, - he said quietly and sent her a kiss...
He turned around, and thanked the airport policeman, for helping him to get here on time.
Then he pulled the hoodie cap almost to his chin, lowered the head and walked towards the exit.


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