Where am I???

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... The head was splitting appart…
I  dont remember feelng this kind of pain for a long time ... Absent? Whiskey? Champagne? What did I drink yesterday, for GOD sake?
The head hurts so much –it feels like someone is hitting me with a stone .....

I found very difficult to open my eyes.
I'm trying, but "someone there" pulls the eyelid down, I try again – but it's almost impossible. I can only see shadows -a man and a woman ... But truly,-  I am not sure....
I hear voices, they speaks English. I cannot hear what they are talking about. I feel dizzy, as if I want to throw up. I think I had too much alcohol yesterday....

I want to ask - "Where am I?", but it turns out a whisper – they probably cannot hear me. The instinct of self-preservation does not work, even though I clearly understand that I am not in the hotel I stayed in, and not at the bar, where i was drinking last evening...
I fall in to a sleep…

Chapter 1.


Still In my sleep, I hear someone's conversation. I'm trying to understand what they are talking about, again in English. They are a man and a woman, now for sure. I opened my eyes, and right away closed them again - the pain is excruciating.
Maybe I was beaten? I have been robbed?. I was drunk as hell, and got hit by a car?
I am in the hospital?
I am dying?
Accompanied by these thoughts, a groan escaped my throat.
I raised my hand and closed my eyes. Bright light. Too bright.

-Girl, I think he wakes up...!? - A man,  tall, slender black man. He looks familiar, may be a little like a bartender from the bar where I drank last night ... Or not?
- Yeah, it's about time! Fourth day of sleeping! ... Turns towards me.
- Hello, Sleeping beauty!..

The voice is a little hoarse, deep. Woman. I am trying to look at her –but she already turned away, I can only see her back. Jeans, white T-shirt. "Pixie blond" haircut. Slender, wiry. I can't remember if I had seen her ever before.
And then I realize - the phrase she said before - the fourth day????
Where am I, what the hell ??? What happened to me???
In this moment, I had 1000 different scenarios running in my brain. I begin to see headlines and posts all over the Facebook and Instagramm ... Damn, how could I get in to this shit???

I am trying to get up, but the same moment I understand that I can't. Weakness. I, am not able to raise even a hand. In addition, it has a dropper stuck in! Hospital? Someone!???? Where am I???????

-Dr Lenny said that it will be very bad, but I never thought it would be so bad! ..., the women got closer. I could feel her standing near me.
- Damn these youngsters!!! – Black man said it loudly, with a strong kind of accent.
- I don’t think it will be any worse…I hope it is behind him.. How much did they put in to his drink anyway?
The woman came closer; I could now see her almost clear. Green eyes, confident, straight look. I can say - pretty. 30,may be 35. Although, I can't judge. Too much noise in my head. Terrible headache.
- Hey, his eyes just opened! Mike, you think he can hear me? - She turned to a man, but he was already speaking to someone on the phone. I feel a barely perceptible smell of vanilla, and something else, I cannot recognize. Who, the hell, is she????
- Hey, can you hear me? How are you? - She looks at me with concern. Beautiful, green eyes. Tiny, almost invisible wrinkles around them. Probably, she laughs a lot…

- Hey !!! Can you see me? – She was waving her hand in front of my face. I tried to answer, but I couldn't say a word. Damn, why am I so sleepy?!!!
In my sleep, I heard her talking to someone on the phone. It seems with the doctor. She says I slept without waking up for the last two days. That fever was gone, and now, it seems, everything is in order. What is in order? Who's all right????
Next thing I feel is Panic. The sticky cold sweat begins to wrap my body. Where am I?? What the hell is going on???
-Oh, Oh! Hey! ... .careful!!! - In a matter of seconds she was next to me, and I realized that I am sitting. It seems, in a fit of panic, I tried to get up. Her hands were warm, mine were cold as ice. I could feel the shiver vibrations all over my body. And they are not from cold, but from fear.

-Hashh, All right, all right. Everything is going to be fine, - she holds me by the shoulders, trying to pull me back.
- What is your name? Do you remember your name? ...

-Ji Young ... ..,. Kwon Ji Yong .... – I was trying to say it loud, but it turns out only a whisper. She can hear me ??

-That's ok, Ji Young, everything is ok. Go to sleep, you need to sleep. Don't worry everything will be fine…

She puts her hend on my head, pushing it back on a soft, warm pillow and touched my hair.
I surrender, and fall into a sleep ....

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