chapter 2

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As I finally reached the top of the last flight of stairs to the top floor of the school, I couldn't help but steal a little glance down at my iPhone only to see that it was 8;56!

Crap, only 4 more minutes before the bell goes to signalise that I'm late. I turned the corner to start down the corridor towards my locker, when i saw the two people I dislike eating each others face off like there was no tomorrow...Eurgh! I think I may have retched. Just a little. Could this day get any worse!! Harry styles was their right in front of my face snogging off ,the biggest slag in school, Molly, face!!! I pushed past them but as i did Harry smiled at me...

Like actually smiled and then pushed Molly away.

I still wonder what happen to us we were really close a year ago.

I walked towards my locker when suddenly some thing really hard made contact with my face. Owww!!! Seriously. This day just got worse.

"watch,where your going. You bruised my locker..." said a rather familiar voice. I smiled.

"Liam, that is not how you talk to your friend after you slam your locker door in there face" I said mimicking the tone Karen, his mum, uses when telling Li off.

" Hey soph, sorry and correction I'm not just your friend,I'm your best friend "said Liam in his husky voice and flashed me his perfect, dazzling smile.

Liam is a couple of inches taller than me and has dark brown hair with lovely chocolate brown eyes. He has an amazing singing voice and lives right next door to me. He has been my best friend since i moved here and we are kind of inseparable. 

we walked swiftly up to my locker and i started to empty it.

"So, what did you do in the holidays?" questioned Liam as i handed my books over to him to hold.

"Tell you later, we only have 2 minutes till we have to get to form". I reply. We sprinted down the corridors and reached the form out of breath. Liam handed me over my books and we went inside. The bell rang 2 seconds later.

"Cutting it fine" said the deputy head Mrs Walters.

"Hey Miss are you our new form tutor?"asked Liam as sweetly as possible.

"yes" she said unimpressed "and its Mrs"

We took our seats at the back of the classroom. She took the register and then it was free time. I took out my phone and started listening to my playlist and started to sing to myself which I  had a really bad habit of. I heard the teacher telling someone to sit next to me. I looked over at Liam to ask him who it was, but when I looked over I saw the look on Liam's face. Never a good sign. I knew that look well... it was the look he did when he didn't like someone. He made this face when he saw Harry. I crossed my fingers hoping it wasn't Harry I didn't like him.

Well, once I thought i found a new lovely,caring side to him but i guess i was wrong. Harry didn't really care about anything. I had to learn that the hard way. If he sat next to me my life would be a living hell. I felt someone sit in the chair next to me. I didn't look up, I plugged in my other ear phone and looked towards Liam's direction. I felt the persons eyes on me. I  stared at the floor.

Suddenly, a piece of paper appeared on my desk. I picked it up and read it;

Hey, are you listening to the script? I really like them. You have a lovely singing voice btw.I'm Niall : )

P.S in case you were wondering why im late it was because you spilled coffee all over me... 

I gasped. I looked up to see the boy i bumped into at the café!!!Oh my gosh..

I felt my cheeks going bright red and i mumbled idiotically

"sorry bout the c-coffee. Its just that I wasn't watching. I can ummm buy you a new shirt..." I couldn't form a reasonable sentence. This might be an ok year after all...

But then I thought back to the look on Liam's face. I wondered why he made it.

9th Feb 2015

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