chapter 4

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We walked into Drama a couple of minutes late. As we entered the room everybody's eyes looked up at us. I heard a couple of remarks like new boys getting all cosy or new kids reeling in the ladies.i rolled my eyes when i identified where they were coming from. It was Harry, Louis and the rest of the gang. I really did hate those guys.

"Ahem that's enough. Take a seat guys." It was Mr Kent. He was one of my favourite teachers. He smiled. I saw my friends; Liam, Zayn, and Sara. I walked over to them surprisingly not followed by Niall. I looked over to see where he was going. He seemed to be heading in the direction of Harry and his gang. He walked straight upto them and started giving them high fives. He must be their mate. How ironic.

" He so fit..." i was distracted by Sara drooling over Mr Kent. Eww!!! That is probably the most gross thing ever. Zayn came over looking slightly Jealous and Hurt. He leaned in and whispered something in her ear. She laughed and then he kissed her. They were the cutest couple ever but sometime they really need to get a room.

"Make out in your own time " said Mr Kent. Sara and Zayn pulled away from the kiss. Zayn smirked "Will do". Sara blushed at this remark.

"Sara..." i whispered once sir left and started babbling on about how were doing Romeo and Juliet  this term.

"Yh" she said

"what do yo- " i was interrupted by Mr Kent place his hand out in front of me.

" I think we have a volunteer to play Juliet" He said

"urr.. but sir" i began.

"let the acting do the talking Sophie "he said

Gosh he could be a right ass sometimes. I got up out my seat and walked onto the stage.

" I believe your the new boy..."he continued walking up to Niall. No!!! I knew what he was going to say next and i was certain i didn't want to hear it." well, show me what you could do Romeo"

Great... just great!!the class erupted into laughter and there was a couple of wolf whistles as Niall replied "my pleasure"

" act 1,scene 5" said sir "from the top of page 23.This scene is when Romeo first meets Juliet at the party and Tybalt has recognised Romeo but has been told to keep the peace"

"Hath i never seen such beauty in my life" said Niall

"aren't thou 17"

"correct but i hath travelled to many lands a far"

"so thou art a traveller"

"no, i am a gentleman from Verona"

I look down to find it says that Romeo kisses Juliet. Niall must have seen it as well as a smirk appeared on his face. I cant kiss him. I don't know him. Niall leaned in, his soft hands on my face. I leaned in to. Our faces were millimetres apart, his warm breath was in my face. There was no gap between our bodies which moulded each others perfectly. Our lips brushed when the bell rang.

"break it up you to" said sir " nice acting, it was almost like you to meant  it"

The truth was i did mean it. I totally forgot we were in front of the audience. Only if Niall thought that but i doubt that very much. As we untangle ourselves from each other, I looked at Niall who smiled.

I wonder if he really meant it as well.....

I guess that i was saved by the bell even tough im not sure i wanted to be saved any longer.....

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