Chapter 27

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Sophie #.#

Cold wind clawed at my face. I began to look around at the beautiful view this cliff side provided. The salt of the sea travelling on the wind. The lighthouse not to far from the shoreline on a small hill. The rocks that stuck out of the sea floor like gravestones. The sound of the sea was calming. The waves crashing against the white sand. The roar of the sea making an eerie yet peaceful musical piece. I could taste the salt but the best thing about this beautiful place was that not a single soul was in sight. I was alone like usual. I take in a deep breath as I begin to remove my articles of clothing until I'm just in his shirt. The cold air stabbing at my exposed skin. I begin to walk towards the edge. I sit there for a bit. I look around taking in everything. If this is the last thing I see I want to enjoy it as I haven't been able to enjoy the rest of my life. I stand up and turn around. I walk so my heels are over the edge. I'm just about to fall when a pair of arms grab me. I look up to see a pair of emerald eyes staring at me. Its him.

The guy who broke me as a person was standing in front of me. His arms were wrapped securely around my waist and he pulls me into his chest. He smells of his Calvin Klein aftershave.

"Sophie what are you doing?" He asked.

"What do you think?" I reply. I then escape his grasp and walk to my pile of clothing. I pick up the item that I was looking for and hand it to him. He is bewildered. It's the bracelet.

"I'm really sorry." He says. I take in the view again and take a deep breath. I walk upto him and kiss him.

He wraps his arms around me. His lips are gentle. They are soft. He smiles in the kiss and pulls me in closer. His lips mold with mine and his body fits perfectly against mine but then it all comes back to me...

I pull away. I look him in the eye and let him go. He walks to collect my stuff but I'm not going with him. I walk towards the cliff edge and take in a deep breath and relax my mind. His turns around.

"Hey come on let's g-" he begins.

"I love you Harry
Bye." I interrupt him. Then the look of realisation is noticeable on his face but he can't stop me now. He was just out of time as he longer forward a second to late as I was already falling.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I love you. I love you Soph." I hear Harry say just as my body hits the bottom of the seafloor and the air is knocked out of my lungs.

I wake with a fright. My breathing uneven and ragged. Sweat plastering my face and my fringe is stuck to my forehead with sweat also. I feel weak and warm. I gently get out of bed. Grab a beanie-probably Harrys. I pull the hood of Harrys hoodie up and grab my gloves. I walk outside the tent and sit down on a small patch of grass that is away from the other tents but still close to our tent. I look up at the stars until I am joined.

I feel eyes on me. I turn around. I am met with the same pair of emerald green eyes as the ones I my dream.

Harry comes and sits next to me. Suddenly, I feel a lot warmer than I did before. I look forward but steal a quick glance at Harry.

Harry is wearing a hoodie similar to the one he gave me. He is wearing some baggy grey sweats. Locks of his hair explode out of his beanie at odd angles. The moonlight is hitting Harrys face illuminating his sharp cheekbones and making his green eyes bright. The sight is breathtaking. It reminds me of when I used to wake up next to Harry and see that same sight most the time.

You miss him.

I shouldn't but it's true. I miss Harry. I miss us. I just wish that whole day didn't happen. I wonder if me and Harry would still be together if that never happened. I personally think we would.

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