Chapter 22

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Sophies P. O. V

" I'm not sure.... and I umm.... liam I guess... I guess that I..." I stuttered.

Was Liam asking me out as a date? No, no of course not.  We mates right? Nothing more. Just friends and we are perfectly happy. He wouldn't ask me on a date he knows that I gave up on dating and love and boys as soon as my ex boyfriend told me that we were over.

"Soph...." Liam says " oh gosh. Umm Soph?"

"I would love to go to the gala with you. There is nothing wrong with going out with a friend." I smiled.

Liam just nodded. I gulped. I opened the door only to have a Harry fall onto the ground next to my feet.

So he was eavesdropping! So much for privacy.

I just sigh and ignore him. I walk up to the guest room where my clothes are. Liam following closely behind. I grab the duffel bag that had my clothes on it and begin to search for something decent to wear. Something that would look great but be formal enough for a charity event. As feared I found nothing. Liam was sat on my bed, smirking.

"I don't have anything to wear. Can you please drive me to Saras house." I say, fed up. Well if I don't have anything to wear sara must she was fashionable and came from a rich family even though she was the most down to earth person I had ever met. She lived on the other side of town which was far to walk and I couldn't really be bothered going through all the hassle and waiting around for a bus either.

"Nope, I have an even better idea!" Liam says.

"What?" I sigh, slightly annoyed.

"We are going dress shopping and I will pay for everything." Liam said. My mouth dropped open.

"No no no Liam its fine... I mean you seriously don't have to do this. I'll just borrow something off Sara." I say.

"Nah its fine. I mean I have a lot of money so does my family and I seriously don't mind." He said.

It was true, Liams family were pretty wealthy. They didn't like that though. I mean they didn't like to boast. They use most their money to help others. They didn't want to buy a really big house and loads of luxuries when they knew that somewhere someone was dying because they didn't have anything. This is one of the many things I love about Liam! He always puts others before himself. Liam even offered to pay for me to go to university !

"Plus" he said with a smirk "I wouldn't want my date to turn up to the event in jeans and a top. Now that wouldn't be all that appealing." He carried on to tease and then winked.

"Shut up Liam." I groan. "I'm not going dress shopping with you."

"Why not?" He says.

"Because I don't want you paying for me. You have already done enough!" I reason.

"Come on. I don't mind." He argues.

"I do though Liam. I feel as though you give me too much and I'm not worth it. I feel like I will never stop needing to owe you and your family." I say "l mean Ruth and Nicola were great before they left to go uni and everything. Then your mum has always been here for me. She acts like I'm her own daughter. Then there is you Liam. You have done soo much for me since I came here. You always stuck by my side no matter what. You help me when I need you the most and your just you and I'm thankful for that. You keep me grounded and help me realise that there is always a way out even when it's hard to find. You told me to never give up and to forget the past and live for today. Liam your the greatest person I have ever met and even though it might not seem like it sometimes,I am grateful and I'm prepared to do anything that will make you happy.  I wanna help you like you helped me and I want to be there for you when you need me because I know your strong but even the strongest of people have a weakness. I am gonna help you with that weakness..." I rambled on. 

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