Prolouge: Seeing You Again |

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June 1st, 2017

Miami, Florida

I think it was the Summer before my freshman year in college when I first saw him again. I was justttttt graduating high school.

It had to have been because all I could think about was how hot it was that day. Sweat trickled down the back of my neck as I sat on the porch in front of my house. Nabora, Rickie, and I all sucking on popsicles.

Nabora's eyes were glued to her phone as she scrolled through her Twitter. The pad of her thumb not missing a beat. She kept trying to refresh her page. You could hear her feet slide against the wooden boards of the porch as she pushed herself back and forth on the swing.

Rickie's head laid in my lap as I played in her hair. The air conditioning unit went out so my mom had to call the air conditioning service. That was ten that morning though and it was going on two.

"At least the air out here isn't still. We get a breeze every now again unlike being in the house." Rickie expressed.

I didn't say anything and continued to play in her hair. I looked up at Nabora, admiring her. They had been staying with my mom and I due to their parents being out of town for their anniversary.

I know what some people may be thinking. Their about to be eighteen, why can't they stay at home by themselves?? Well, in their parents eyes, they still had a lot more growing up to do. Nabora and Rickie were step sisters, but sisters nonetheless.

You see, I loved Nabora and Rickie. They were practically family to me and I trusted them the same way I would trust my sibling.

"Y'all want a thick girl, but don't want the belly. Pls get realistic." Nabora read off from her twitter timeline, looking up at us.

"I completely agree." She added. Rickie sat up from my lap.

Nabora was thick, and in all the right places. Her Dominican mix making it evident as to why she grew into her body the way she did.

Black girls were magic.

"Girl, whatever. You don't even have one really." Rickie frowned. She hated hearing her sister talk about herself.

"Yes, but let's be honest, I'm nobodies stick. And my stomach could be flatter if I made working out a goal..."

"Well, I like your body just the way it is." I winked.

Nabora laughed, rolling her eyes. "I appreciate that 'tiyya."

While I did identify myself as straight, I had no problem openly looking at and complimenting other women. I always gave credit where credit was due and I felt as though you shouldn't put a label on certain things. 

If I happened to see a woman with a nice shape and a big booty, I was going to look and that was what it was.

Women should learn to build each other up rather than tear each other down and accept each others peculiarities without being judgmental.
That was my motto.

"So let me get this straight, while I've been trying since my sophomore year of high school to get your shape, you're now trying to lose it?" Rickie questioned.

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