13. Atiyya

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*you have been warned
June 11th, 2017

As I laid back in my comfy bed, I didn't know how to feel. After the party, I spent the rest of the weekend contemplating what had transpired on Saturday.

Every time I closed my eyes I envisioned Kalebs lips touching mine and him running out like a maniac.

Now, I was just happy to be back at my mothers house, because being at my dads made me think too much about what had happened.

Is this what young adulthood was supposed to bring? Pure confusion and uncertainty? If so y'all can have it, I'd rather deal with the petty drama from high school.

I had yet to tell April, Rickie, and Nabora what happened either. I didn't want to hear their mouths. I needed time to process everything plus I felt like this is something I should keep to myself for now.

I knew the weight of what happened. I knew that it could either make or break our friendship.

Kaleb thought he was the only one who was too scared to take things to another level. He's wasn't, I was too. The only difference is that I'm not afraid to at least give it a chance....

But I wasn't about to do was force someone into liking me or pursuing something with me, they didn't want to pursue.

Ever since our kiss though, I had been checking his social media repeatedly. I got on Instagram to see if he had posted anything on his story and he had.

He was doing the typical head turns most guys do after they get a fresh cut

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He was doing the typical head turns most guys do after they get a fresh cut. I remember him telling me that he was going to cut his hair off and grow waves soon. I guess today was the day.

I exited out of the app and sighed, throwing my phone on the bed next to me. I just didn't understand men at all. How could he go on, acting like nothing had happened.

I wore my emotions on my sleeve so once I felt something, anybody that was around me was going to feel it too.

Kaleb moved differently though. He was most likely feeling everything I was feeling. He just had a different way of showing it. I noticed that his way of expressing himself could be somewhat passive.

He knew I would be one of the first people to see his post so he probably hoped I would respond, and we would find some time to talk about our heated moment.

I wasn't gonna do that though. He walked out so I felt like it was his responsibility to communicate what was on his mind and when he's ready, I'll be here to talk. Until then, I was over it and I was done thinking about it.

I wasn't going to go on social media and make snide remarks or slick comments like most girls would either.

Truth be told, I hated conflict and I hated when other people knew what was going on in my personal life. This was something that needed to be between him and I and him and I only.

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