4. Kaleb

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*Okay, but can we talk about how gorgeous she is? I'm obsessed.
*And imma need y'all to comment more on last chapter. Y'all know the drill! Don't even know why y'all play.

June 3rd, 2017

        I smiled to myself as I walked away from Atiyya's porch.

I know I talked a big game yesterday to Vaughn when I said I would never reconcile with her, but I decided to take  to his advice and put my pride aside.

While I really did stop by her house to deliver some mail that had gotten mixed up, I also wanted to take that opportunity to apologize for my previous behavior and put our friendship back on its rightful track.

Gratefully, we were able to do so. Not to mention, she looked really good in the robe she was wearing so I don't think I was going to be able to be any more stubborn than what I had already been anyways.

I cracked on her about it, yes, but anyone could see how beautiful she was. It was clear as day and she had an even more beautiful personality to go with it.

She made it a point to encourage other people daily. She continuously found ways to brighten up everyone's day and pay random compliments. She was just such a magnificent soul, inside and out.

I could see why people always pushed for us to be together. We seemed like we would create the perfect couple. But what people also failed to realize was that taking it there with her, would only complicate things.

I wasn't sure if I even wanted a relationship right now.

I crossed the street, walking back to my Memaw's house. Feeling my phone vibrate in the pocket of the joggers I wore, I pulled it out and looked at the screen, checking for a name.

I didn't recognize the number, but I answered it anyway.

"This is my new number so save it."
I smirked hearing Atiyya's voice on the other end.

"How'd you get my number?" I asked.
"Facebook nigga."

"Damn, I really need to delete my account."
"It's not my fault you've been having the same number for over four years."

I opened to door to my grandmothers vacant home and walked in. Her and my little cousin, Cameron, went to a close relatives birthday party so I knew they wouldn't be back for a while.

"Okay," I held the phone in between my shoulder and my ear as I walked to the kitchen and began warming up some of the leftover food from the night before. "My question is why are you checking for me on Facebook, let alone getting on Facebook period."

"Number one, I wasn't checking for you." I could tell she was probably working her neck through the phone. "You was doing all that bitching about me not texting you, I figured you should have my number so you can shutup."

"And number two, Facebook be with the shits, you tripping."

I pulled my overheated food out of the microwave. "Wasn't nobody bitching." I responded passively, grabbing a fork and moving to sit on one of the high stools at the kitchen counter

"What you call it then?"
She smack her teeth as I dug into my food, blowing on it before taking a bite.

I placed my phone on speaker. "What are you eating?"
"How you know I'm eating?" I said.
"Cause I can hear you chewing through the phone."

"Oh, well, I'm eating red beans and rice." I took another bite.

"Bring me some!" She exclaimed.
"You better come over here and get it."
"See the way my legs set up." She paused and then laughed.

I shook my head at her laziness. "Still spoiled I see."

"Still annoying I see." She almost immediately retaliated.
"I have to go though, Nabora, Rickie, and I are going to hang out."

"Can I come?" I asked, not really serious.
"Yeah, right. Talk to you later." She said, about to hang up.

"See you, I'll hit you up."

"Bye Kalebbbbb" Nabora and Rickie screamed from the other side.
"Atiyya said that she tryna fu---"

"Got to go!" Atiyya yelled, talking over them. Soon after, I heard the dial tone.

Finished with my food, I got up, rinsed my bowl out, and put the dirty dish in the dish washer.

I grabbed my phone and headed to room for a mean nap.

I didn't wake up again until three in the afternoon. I felt extremely groggy, meaning I had slept too much. I assumed my grandmother and cousin had come back already because I heard the tv on in the living room and moving about in the wash room.

I turned over onto my back and grabbed my phone that had been laying next to me.

My phone was dry per usual despite a text from Vaughn asking if I wanted to hoop when he got off of work and one follow notification from twitter. I responded to Vaughn and then checked my twitter.

I read the @ name that had one upped my follower count. I knew who it was before I even clicked the profile.

Followers: 4, 027
Following: 633

Typical, I thought as I immediately began scrolling through her pictures. I was debating whether or not I wanted to follow back. Would this one follow open the door to a whole lot of bullshit? Or would it be just that, a follow? I didn't know. Vaughn had warned me of Jamie and I wanted to make sure I adhered to it, but I didn't see the harm in opening the line of communication just by a little bit...

She was bad, that was for sure. Looking through her photos, it was obvious why dudes were probably falling all over themselves to get with her.

I clicked out of her pictures. My finger then hovered over the follow button.


I followed back. It was just be rude not to.

Minutes later, she began favoriting some of the pictures I had posted previously. I rolled my eyes.

Y'all already know what this mean.

uh oh, what this mean y'all? This was something like a filler chapter.

Team Atiyya or Team Jamie?😈

I like Jamie cause she embraces her hoeness and doesn't give af. Like yes hunty, be free and do as you please with YOUR body. Sometimes you got to get what you can get from these dudes in the words of CARDI B! Jamie is also gorgeous, of course.

But then I like Atiyya cause shes like the girl next door, wifey type and she pretty asf and her and Kaleb been friends for so long.

Overall though, I got to say, I'm teammmm....ATIYYA. But don't think it's about to be an easy ride for her and Kaleb cause this shit is going to get BUMPYYYY

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