18. Kaleb

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*warning: not edited, read at ya own risk.
*100+ comments to have an update mon/tues
Read the authors note at the end. I missed y'all 😩
June 31st, 2017

A couple weeks went by and I couldn't lie, I was not feeling like myself. It was as if ever since I saw my dad I felt this constant void.

A part of me wanted to have a talk with him just to understand why exactly he did the things he did to me, but the other half just said forget it and move on with my life. There no reason to visit the past.

I had worked really hard over the years to get where I was at mentally and I didn't want anything triggering it.

"Earth to Kaleb." Ezekiel waved his hand in my face.
"Yo you good?"

"I'm straight. Just thinking." Him, Vaughn, and I had been at his house chilling.

"Yeah man, he good." Vaughn hit my shoulder in playful manner. I looked him. I think that was his way of reassuring me that everything would be okay.

I gave him an awkward head nod in response.

"Ion think I asked you."
"But I'm telling you though."

I'm not sure why I even got these two together. Every open opportunity they found, they were looking for a reason to argue.

"You can get up out my house, real talk." Eaze responded.

"Man, y'all chill. I don't why y'all have this animosity towards each other, but let's go ahead and dead it now. This has went on for long enough." I said, controller in my hand.

"Ain't bout to be cool with no nigga I don't want to be cool." Eaze ran his hand over the top of his head, leaning back on the couch.

"Really? Y'all are too damn old." I said. I knew I was one to talk, but these niggas was always preaching to be on being the bigger person and growing up. Yet here they are.

Vaughn smacked his teeth, looking elsewhere, irritation apparent on his face.

"I mean, we can really scrap it out, if that's what it's got to come down to." Despite his cool, calm, and collected demeanor, Eaze was always the first one ready to go for blows if need be.

Vaughn's head snapped and he laughed. "This is not what you want g. Please believe me." He looked at me. "Get your boy before I do."

This had gotten blown out of proportion way more than what it needed to be. "Fuck no, both of y'all sit down. We're talking this out."

By this time, they both had stood up. Ready for whatever. They did as told, very cautiously however. "Now what is the real issue. Cause y'all been doing this since we were kids man."

They both didn't say anything. They probably didn't know what to say. It had been going on so long they probably didn't know what got them to that point in the first place.

"Maria Santos."
Vaughn said, finally looking up.

Ezekiel stared trying to figure out what he was talking about. His facial expression changed once he realized. "You talking about the little Mexican shorty from 5th grade?"
His tone was in disbelief. "Negro do you know how long ago that was. All these years I spent trying to figure out why you didn't like me and it was because of her?"

"That and other things. You took her from me, knowing I liked her. Kissed her right in front of me while we were on the playground."

They had good memory because I was still trying to figure out who the hell they were talking about. That time period was such a blur for me.

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