27 - the end .. part dos

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My eye flutter open to see that I was in school -- napping in math. Sadie was in the seat next to me and she was napping also.

' was .. was it all a dream? Shit .. ' i muttered and then a bell rang. I stood up and woke up Sadie. ' oi. The bell rang ..' i muttered and she began to wake up.

That was total bullshit. That... that felt to real  to be a dream, but Eh. It was over now. We made our way to the cafeteria and as we sat down, I felt some paper in my pants pocket.

Not remembering what it was, I pulled it out and looked at it until I saw the initials "S.A." ' can't be...' i spoke and quickly opened it.

" aye jenn, I had a weird dream. I think about the anime you watch, bleach. ' Sadie spoke and I looked at her, more confused.

' same. Did we .. have the same dream ?' I asked and she shrugged. ' or ... was it even a dream?' I then read the note.

' You humans, made things a whole lot .... interesting around here. I did enjoy your company though. I knew as I wrote this, you will be leaving soon. I do hope you are enjoyingyour human world. 

   Sincerely, Aizen Sosuke .'

I laughed softly as I saw a whole bunch of signatures from gin, tosen and the espadas. Tears formed in my eyes and I chuckled.

' it wasn’t a dream. We were transported into the bleach universe. ' i said and gave sadie the note. As she read it, a smile appeared on her face.

' well -- i guess you can say jenny--'

' don't say it .. '

' we were bleach into a anime...~♡'

' i mcfuckin hate you, saide.. '

Bleached Into An Anime |bleach| [finished]Where stories live. Discover now