22 - bitch curl said huh?

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     after we enter the building , we all begin to walk around and try to find out where orihime could be. Sadie and i vaugly remember so we head that way at the five way split, where ichi and nel meets that random arrancar , whoms name i forgot and really do not care about, ishda and renji meet the bubblegum haired love (szayel) and rukia meets the kain impersonator.

  sadie and i run until we believe we are far enough away , thinking no one can find us. ' jenny ? -- ' sadie asked me and my eyes simply looked into her direction.

  i was in shock to see her in tears, on the verge of crying. ' what is wrong ?' i ask and her head instantly fall inbetween my boobs.

' i - i miss home ! i wanna leave ! i miss playing kingdom hearts and  .. and eating pocky ! ' she continued to cry over all the things she missed and i gave a soft sigh.

i was missing home also. i was missing being on tumblr and going to see my siblings, who where out of the house and the other things i can do outside of this world.

   ' we'll go home soon . believe or not, all of the things happen within a matter of hours in this worlds , so by tomorrow, we should hopefully be home ' my voice attempted to be sweet and caring as Sadie pulled away, wiping her eyes.

  ' o .. okay jenn-jenn ' sadie said and after she stopped crying, we continued to walk until we made it to aizen's room, which was -- suprisingly , not destroyed.

  ' aizen .. ' i said as we entered. Sadie seemed scared as we entered but i was cool as a cucumber . we made our way until i believed we were close enough. he looked down at us, a sly yet calm look on his face.

  ' what is it you two need ? ' he asked and i placed my hand to my side, a displeased look on my face.

  ' they have entered ' they being the gang. aizen stood up and seemed to motion sadie and i to the meeting room, where all of the espadas sat, seeming to be waiting for aizen to speak.

  we simply stood by his side, my arms behind our back. this was easy for me, due to me being in band and having to stand at attention. war flashbacks of my band captain yelling at other marchers made me stand as still as possible but for sadie.. she was the opposite.

  she stood , shoulders down and hunched over as she played with her hair. she attempted to wave at me but i stood still.

   aizen talked to the espadas over ichigo and the gang . i attempted to tune them out, not wanting to be apart of the talk until i heard him speak of us and how we are at the level of gin and tousen, and even himself.

  i was shocked to say the least , but power took over me and as they were being dismissed, i look at aizen. he was only two inches taller then me so i had to look up, when i am used to looking down to talk to others.

  ' what is next is your quote on quote ' plan ' -- ?' i made quotation marks my with fingers when i said that.

  ' it is simple -- you two will die ' he spoke calmly . me and saide got wide eyes and looked at him

  ' bitch curl said huh?' i say quickly, still looking shocked.

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