Chapter 19

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Dave's POV

Why was I nervous?


"Dave" I turned round to find my best man "My man"

"Aaron" I hugged him the manly way

"The man of the hour" he smiled "Got whipped uh?"

I smiled

I wish.

"Let's get out of here" he said "It's about to begin"

I swallowed

I was scared.

Yea, Dave Connor was scared.

Scared that Ivy - soon to be - Connor won't show up to her wedding.

"Yea. Let's go" I said as we made our way into the church.

Aaron and I made our way down the aisle to the altar. We joined Ian who was also one of the best man. It was a small family and friends kinda wedding. The church was barely filled up. Well, it was almost filled up.

Luke walked down and stayed behind Aaron

"Luke" he shook Aaron's hand

"Aaron" Aaron said "This jerk's bestfriend"

"I'm the bride's bestfriend" Luke said

"How is she?" I asked Luke, knowing he'd know how Ivy's doing

"She's...doing okay" Luke hesitated, that wasn't good

I sighed

"I can't believe my sister's getting married to you man" Ian said

I looked at him

"But I'm happy for both of you. At least she'd be happy for once" Ian added


I thought

Please Ivy.

Dont leave me hanging.

I might be doing this cause of the deal my dad and your dad had, but I secretly want this.

God, please, bring her to me.

Ivy's POV

", out, in, out, again" mum said

I was trying to stay calm

"Mum...?" I began, on the verge of crying

"It's okay honey, I was like this when I married your dad, well not for the same reasons, ours was little complicated than this" she said "Just don't think, okay? Feel"

I nodded and took a deep breath

Why did Luke have to leave me here alone?

"Is she ready?" Dad came in

"Dad?" I called

"Hey munchkin, you okay?" He asked

"It doesn't feel right"

"You're gonna be fine" he said as he kissed my forehead "Your mum and my wedding was worse than this. I made her cry before the wedding"

I sighed

"Just keep this in mind munchkin, we love you and all this is for your happiness" he said

I nodded

He smiled

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