Chapter 24

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Dave's POV

She doesn't remember.

Thank God!

Things would have gotten way awkward that they already were.

I smiled remembering when she said it - 'I love you'

But it was eating me up.

Did she have someone she was in love with?

I heard footsteps.

"Smells nice in here" she said

I smiled

"Famished" she said

"Good" I said flipping the last of the pancakes.

I put it in the plate and turned and made my way to the joint dining. She smiled at me when I dropped the plate filled pancakes on the table.

"Didn't know you could cook" she said

I smiled

"Coffee?" She asked

"Oh I forgot it" I was almost seated

"I'll get it" she said getting up and...


Soft and smooth.

She left to get the coffe from the kitchen and I couldn't take my eyes off her legs. She was wearing the shirt I gave her. And it looks like only the bikinis I saw in her bags in underneath.

I looked away reluctantly.

Darn you Ivy.

I groaned.

"You okay?" She asked placing a cup of coffee beside me

"Yea" I said

She went to take her seat and put some pancakes in her plate, adding maple syrup and digging her.

I just stared.

"Mmm" she moaned "This tastes divine"


Syrup made its way down the side of her mouth and I couldn't take it anymore.

I reached out, using my thumb to slowly wipe it off then tracing my thumb on her lower lips, she was staring at me all the time. I brought my thumb to my mouth and licked the syrup off.

Her breathing rate increased.

I affected her...Good!

I smirked at her before I began eating.

She never spoke again after that. Eating silently.


Ivy kept avoiding me like a plague after breakfast. I wondered if it was because of what I did. She went back into the room and never came out.

I had gone to call her to have lunch but she didnt come. Now it was dinner time and she was still in the room.

I thought we would go out of the house and hang out near the water or do something fun. But she had to ruin it.

Damn this woman.

"Ivy" I called as I entered the room

She wasn't on the bed.

I closed the door and walked to the bathroom and knocked
"Ivy" I called again

She didn't answer so I opened the door to check but she wasn't there either.

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