Chapter 12

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As you two finally arrived and parked, Jimin and You waited for the shuttle to pass by. Jimin was also cautious on showing his face because he is a celebrity of course, so he put his mask on and held your hand so it wouldn't be obvious to others. When the shuttle arrived he helped you up. When you sat down you took your backpack off and set it on your lap. Jimin then sat next to you and put his arm around to stretch. Once everyone was settled in the shuttle drove up towards the park entrance.

When the shuttle finally stops at the entrance he quickly jumps off and helps you down. You put your back pack on once more and begin walking towards the entrance gates. You see Jimin stop and reach into your backpack. So you stopped and let him takeout what ever he needed. Then you saw him pull out paper. He hands them to you as he closes your backpack up.

You two then approach one of the gates as he took the papers from you and handed them to the guy. He simply smiled and gave you two a pass that goes around your neck. When you two got them they scanned them and let you both in. You looked down at them and saw that they were the tickets and that he also got the Disney Fast Passes. You were shocked and you couldn't stop smiling. You quickly hugged him before he could do or say anything, as you said, "Thank you ChimChim"

He froze and didn't move for a sec. Then he looked down and said, "Anything for my best friend in the whole world.😙😄"  He then hugged you. Your eyes were wide opened, and you were so happy and excited that you couldn't hold it back.

You felt like that one kid in a candy shop were there parents said that they could have anything they wanted.

Once You and Jimin were inside the park you two didn't waste a single second.

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