Jimin's POV

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Chapter 27 Jimin's POV

As the week past by I decided to hang out with Y/N everyday. I practically didn't leave her. Then on Wednesday after we got home we decided to do our H.W. Once we finished Y/N noticed the mailman pass by. So she went to go and get the mail. It had been raining the day before and in the morning, so there was water everywhere.

Just as she was walking up to the mailbox I peeked out of her window and saw Hyuna and Rachel from behind a bush. Hyuna sprayed her with our neighbors hose. Then I notcied our other neighbor running towards them. She had yelled at them as she helped Y/N. She stood there soaking wet outside. Im guessing our neighbor asked if she was okay as she helped her up. Y/N nodded her head as she walked back inside shivering. I was shocked at what had happened. When she walked in I asked her why she was soaking wet.

She just looked at me and said, "Uh....well when I went to get the mail a car passed by and I didn't see them coming and when it did I got splashed with the water." She stood there as she continued to shiver even more.  "Go get those soaking wet clothes off of you and take a shower...I don't want my little butterfly to get sick😷." I said as I walked with her upstairs and into her room. I stared at her as we walked upstairs. Why isn't she telling me that it was Hyuna and Rachel who did that to her.....why is she keeping it a secret....is she afraid......are Hyuna and Rachel bullying her....?

I quickly walked her into the bathroom. I then stepped out so she can shower. Once she began to shower I quickly walked downstairs and I made her a tea. Then I left it on her counter. I quickly walked back upstairs and as I sat on her bed I noticed a book on her nightstand.
I opened it and saw drawings in it. I'm guessing it was her drawing book.

"Did you draw these Y/N? I said as I pointed to the picture she had taped inside the book, of me and her as kids, as well as a hand drawn picture on the other page right next to it. She nodded her head as she walked into her closet and got dressed. When she came back out I left the book on her nightstand and walked her downstairs into her kitchen. She then noticed a cup steaming on the counter. I told her that while she was taking a shower, I had came down and made her a cup of hot tea. She smiled as she picked up her tea and we walked to her living room. Then the two of us snuggled as she drank her tea while we watched a movie on the couch.

After a couple of hours of watching movies I noticed Y/N began to shiver just a little. So I quickly got up and brought a blanket for her. I also gave her my sweater I had on so she can feel extra warm. She then shook her head as I put it on her. "Jimin....no its fine.....its your sweater.....please take it back...."  said Y/N. I simply smiled and said, "No......you need it way more than me....come on Y/N....your practically shivering...even with the blanket on its not enough......give it to me later...its fine....."

As I was staring down at her I  suddenly got closer to her and I pressed my lips against her forehead. As I kissed her forehead I felt her very warm and I knew that she had a fever. When I finally pulled back I said, "Yeah.... I think you have a fever Y/N...." I then ordered her to go to sleep so she can rest and that we would see how she would wake up in the morning. So I got up and as she sat up I quickly picked her up.

"Jimin.....wha...what are you doing..?" She said.

"I'm taking you to bed....because your sick...you need to rest starting now, so I'm carrying you to your bed..." I said as I walked upstairs. Once I walked into her room and layed her on the bed I made her sleep so she can rest and hopefully feel better. She thanked me as she pulled the sheets and covered herself. I sat next to her and brushed her hair behind her ear.

"You have my number on speed dial..... so if you need anything.....don't hesitate to ask okay....." I said as I leaned in and kissed her forehead once more.

As I got up she grabbed my wrist.

"Wait! Can you......can you stay with me until I fall asleep Jimin...?" She said. I smiled as I layed down next to her. I then began to brush her hair as I sang her to sleep. I noticed she slowly begin to tune out. When she finally fell asleep I kissed her forehead once more and turned her lamp off.

I then walked back to my house and went to sleep.

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