Chapter 40

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As I continue to hold Jimin's hand, I heard the bell. That meant that the P.E. Classes had about 10 min. to get dressed and to start heading to there next class. That's when I heard the door being opened. I saw the boys quietly walk in hiding from the nurse since she didn't want the room to be crowded. They came to check up on how Jimin was doing. All I did was let them see for themselves. He was still out. They said that they would come back right after class to check if he's awake. I smiled and nodded as they patted my head and gave me a hug. I sat back down next to Jimin and held his hand once again as the boys quickly left just as they had came in.

Then I heard the door open and shut once more. That's when I noticed her....

I looked over and saw Hyuna walk in. She has a look on her face that looks almost......regretful. She got closer to Jimin after she noticed that he was still out cold. Though I quickly stood in front of her, blocking her before she even took a step closer. She looked down and noticed that I was still holding Jimin's hand. Her reaction quickly changed. "I came to tell him I'm sorry..." she said in a stern voice. "Why!? What are so sorry for Hyuna....what happened that you had to tell Jimin sorry huh...." I quickly snapped back at her. She looked over my shoulder at Jimin and back at me as she smiled. "Well since he's still out, I can just tell you, and not have to put up an act knowing that you would never have the guts to tell him.....I truly am sorry that he is out cold and I didn't mean to hit him....honest....I was aiming for someone else who was in front of him getting all the attention...." she said with a mocking tone while looking at me in the eyes.

That's when it hit me...

Since the boys and I quickly teamed up and started a game with another group, Hyuna didn't get a chance to jump in, so she was kinda forced to play Soccer while she waited for an opening. So when we won, we made a lot of noise and she must have looked over. That's when she saw Jimin picking me up into the air. She must have gotten Jealous and tried to hit me with the ball....but she missed....and hit Jimin......hard.

A tear escaped out of my eyes. "Oh look there she goes again....just like how we were back in Middle act so fragile, shy and innocent, but I'm pretty sure its all just an act....your just doing that to be with Jimin.....I'm pretty sure you have a crush on him but your afraid that he'll reject you..... or worse.....your trying not to ruin your friendship *Hyuna Laughs* I right sweetheart...." said, Hyuna.

You looked up with fire in your eyes and you were just infuriated by with what Hyuna said so you replied with, "Hyuna! You can hurt me all you want, but don't you dare hurt Jimin and his friends, I can take all the pain and awful things you say and do to me, and I have for years now, but they wont, they all mean the world to me, especially Jimin. And so what if I have a crush on him ever since we were little! That doesn't mean you have to bug into my life all of a sudden, and spread it around like some sort of disease with those rumors you spread around! So why don't you just leave Jimin, his friends and me alone! Now....why don't you turn your pretty little face around and head to class now..... you don't wanna be late to Mr Lee's class now do you...."

Hyuna looks at me and is shocked by what I said and leaves angry. It felt kinda nice that I got all of that out.

I sat down and sighed a breathe of relief. I looked over and saw that I was still holding Jimin's hand, But I was holding it tightly and I quickly loosened my grip. I looked up and saw his eyes still closed. I lifted his hand up to my cheek and held it close. I layed my head down on the bed and closed my eyes as I kept Jimin's hand close.

Time felt like it was taking forever sitting alone in the nurses office waiting for Jimin to wake up. Though I felt another random hand on my head. I lifted my head up slightly and saw Jimin smiling down at me. I was really happy that he woke up that in a quick second as he sat up, I embraced him in a tight hug. Tears were running down my face, but they weren't sad tears....they were tears of joy.

I hear Jimin laugh a little and say, "I missed you too Y/N....." as he wrapped his arms around me and held me even closer. We broke up the hug because I got a text from J-Hope saying that he got us covered and that they would get our H.W. for us from Mr. Lee.

I quickly text him back, thanking him for covering for us. I look over at Jimin and said, "Are you ready to leave and get our things from the gym..."

Jimin laughed and said, "What do you mean, our stuff's right there by the door..." You were confused as you looked at him. You turned your head and saw both of your backpacks sitting there by the entrance. You thought to yourself thinking that the boys might have gone and gotten your things from both your lockers, as you stood up and grabbed both of the backpacks. You gave Jimin his backpack as you threw yours over your shoulder and walked to the door.

"Were are you going Y/N?" said Jimin.

You smiled as you replied, "To change out of the P.E. Uniform and into my normal clothes....You don't wanna walk out of the school in those shorts now Jimin.......or do you....hmm?" You giggled as you reached for the door. Then you heard him laugh, and in a low raspy voice he mumbled, "Maybe I wanted you to do that..."

You stop, frozen at the door as you felt your cheeks began to get flushed. You can feel his stare on the back of your head, that you began to get chills going down your spine. You laughed and said, "What was that Jimin?" As you turned around and walked up to him. He looked down and scratched the back of his head and said, "Uh.....N-Nothing...I said Nothing..why do you ask that Y/N?" You laugh a little and said, "Yeah sure, I' for you outside in the front of the school...class is almost over and I gotta bring the car around from the student parking lot so I can take you and the boys all home." Jimin nodded as you opened the door and walked out of the nurses office and towards the nearest girls bathroom.

Once you finished getting dressed, you walk out of the school and towards the student parking lot. You reach for your keys inside your backpack and unlock your car. You turned the car on and you played the boys C.D. You listened to their voices and it helped you calmed down a little. Then when Jimin's part came up, you couldn't help it, as your heart skipped a beat. You then heard the bell rang as you came back to your senses and you called J-Hope.

"Hello..?" Said J-Hope.

"Hey I'm out already, come and meet me in the front. I'm pulling up to the school right now..." You said.

"Okay were on our way..." he said.

I saw the massive group of students coming out of the school gates. Then I saw the boys coming out. When they saw me, they ran to the car. I rolled down the window and said, "Come on guys, I gotta take you boys back home..."

Suga responded, "Where's Jimin, we ran to the nurses office right after the bell rang and she told us that you two were gone...."

"Yeah that's when I got your call Y/N." said J-Hope.

Then that's when I heard his voice....

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