Chapter 35

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I finally walked out of Jimin's room into the kitchen. I noticed that Jin had just left to call the rest of the boys inside to eat. Somehow I saw myself walking towards Jimin who had just set down the last plate. Before I could stop myself I had already wrapped my arms around him embracing him in a sweet and cuddly back-hug. He jumped a little and turned to see me burrying my face on his neck. I laughed at him because he got scared.

I whispered to Jimin "Haha I finally got the scare on you didn't I..."

He laughed and turned around and held me close. He layed his head on my shoulder laughing softly. His warm soft breathe tickled my neck everytime he laughed.

He laughed a little more until he spoke again. "Yeah, you did actually, I was kinda worried for a sec wondering who it was..." Said Jimin. I laughed and let him go. I looked up and said, "Thanks for letting me shower, and borrow clothes Jimin, there actually pretty comfortable....😁I almost don't wanna give them back 😅" Jimin laughed and got closer, "It's fine I can just buy more💸 they look really cute on you Y/N. 😘❤💘"

You froze at his comment and felt your face begin to flush red. 😳😖

"Ah....umm...well...I-I don't know....a-about that l-last comment  J-Jimin.....I mean....hah....*clears throat* " you couldn't even speak right because of how choked up you were getting.

Then you heard the boys coming in. So Jimin pulled the chair out and motioned you to sit down. You smiled and sat down.

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~

After dinner you helped out and washed the dishes with Jimin. So you rolled your sleeves up and helped wash as Jimin dried, and JungKook put everything away.

After you finished you guys decided to chill on the couch and watch a movie. You got a blanket that Jimin let you borrow and you layed your head on his shoulder. All of the boys ended up knocking out, when you noticed Jimin with his head down. So you took out your phone and took a picture of him. (Picture above). You looked at the picture and decided to make it your lock screen.

When you finally changed the screensaver you couldn't help but stare. He looks super cute when he's asleep. Those soft pink pouty lips of his made your heart skip a beat. You couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. You sat there looking at him while smiling because you don't know whether to help him to his bed, or just walk to your house and leave them there.

Then when you moved a little and let your feet off the couch, you felt a hand on your wrist pulling you backwards making you fall. You looked and saw yourself on Jimin's chest. You looked up and saw that he was still asleep. He turned his body towards you making sure you layed down and that you were between the couch and him so you wouldn't fall off. His head was placed just above yours and you can feel his breath tickling you on your neck as you pulled the blanket over him so he wouldn't get cold.

You then began to close yours eyes because of how tired you were. You curled up next to Jimin and he wrapped his arm around you.

You felt Happy, Safe, and Warm with Jimin. You couldn't imagine  a night without his company.

You're eyes began to feel heavier by the second as you drifted off to sleep.

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