Chapter 7

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I woke up to a killer headache again, and the taste of vomit in my mouth. Bryan was asleep in the chair next to my bed, an open book in his lap, Othello. He still hadn't finished it.There was a bucket on the side of my bed, and my room smelled like throw up. Man, this really had been the worst hangover yet. I felt a hell of a lot better than I did yesterday though. Bryan was snoring, and it seemed so loud, that I was afraid the vibrations might knock my glass angel off and send it crashing, breaking to shards.

I kicked him in the groin, and he woke up. Pissed, needless to say!

"JESUS HAVEN!" Bryan screamed as he jumped up. Oops. I was aiming for his stomach.

"Sorry! I was aiming for your stomach, I may be a bastardy little sister, but I'm not that cruel." I told him and grimaced.

"Okay fine, I believe you, but you have a hell of a strong kick, for a girl anyway."

He walked into the kitchen, muttering threats to himself. Big Baby. I went and called Caroline after stopping in the bathroom for some much-needed Tylenol.

"Bring your iPod over, I need new music." She said. We shared music, and she always had the latest stuff thanks to my discovery of the Pirate Bay. Shhh...we don't speak of it out loud. She did occasionally have something I didn't, so it was still a nice arrangement.

"You still have the flash drive?" I asked her.

"Yep. Already in my pocket." She said.

"So, what songs do you want?" We went down her most recently added songs.

"Ooh, I'll take "Red" I giggled. We went on like that for an hour, going through her entire library of songs and mine. Four glasses of Coke, a bag of chips and 146 songs later, we finished browsing through her extensive library of songs.

"Man, how many songs do you have in there?" I asked her.

"4,985." That was more than Bryan's iPod and mine together. I had to get a larger iPod.My boobs vibrated, or more, my phone did. Caroline was cracking up. I got my phone out of my shirt, and read.

One New Text Message

Greeted me, instead of my festive Hunger Games wallpaper. He texted me, and Caroline cackled excitedly behind me.

Starbucks run in ten?

"Should I go? I'll let you do my makeup." I said with a smile knowing it would make her happy.

" YES! Tell him to pick you up at my house in 10." She said, bouncing up and down.

I did as I was told, giving him Caroline's address. I had no intention of suffering the wrath of Caroline.

See you in 10

"Come on!" Caroline said excitedly, and pulled me into her bathroom.

"Hey, what does Bryan have to say about you going out with Christian?" Caroline asked as she waggled her eyebrows at me. I giggle-snorted at the sight, and then answered.

"Nothing. He doesn't know yet." She let out a big sigh, shaking her head as she continued creating her piece of art.After Caroline quickly put a natural eye shadow with a hint of glitter on me, and some nude lips, Christian was already knocking on the door to pick me up.

"Hey, let's go, its cold." I said rubbing my arms to create heat, and then waved goodbye to Caroline.It was turning cold earlier, and the nights were cold, even though the days could be blistering. Luckily, I packed an overnight bag with a pair of jeans. My outfit was simple, jeans and one of those see-through sweaters from Old Navy. My trusty old ballet flats were on my feet.

"You look good." He glanced over and said as he drove.

"Thanks." I said and turned my head to hide the blush rising in my cheeks.

We arrived at Starbucks, and aside from a couple in their 40's, we were alone.

"You can get anything you want." He said and gestured up to the window.

"One caramel macchiato, Grande, please." I ordered, and he ordered a plain black coffee. After finding a secluded table, I realized that it was air conditioned in Starbuck's still.

"Are you cold?" He asked me.

"I'm fine." I tried to say, but he was already taking off his jacket and handing it to me.

"Thanks." I said and put it on. It was leather, and smelled faintly of his cologne.

I draped it over my shoulders, but didn't put my arms in the sleeves, and picked up my caramel macchiato, thankful it was scalding hot still as it warmed my cold hands.

"So, is Caroline mad that I stole you from her?" He asked me and smirked.

"No, in fact, she is probably rejoicing that I caved into her yet again. She seems to think I am abnormal because I don't go looking for a boyfriend everywhere I go." I admitted shy.

He laughed, and it felt easy to laugh with him.

"So tell me, what is your brother is like. Is he going to try to kill me for dating his baby sister?" He asked me. I had told him many of times that I had a brother, but not any specifics.

"He can be a bastard at times, a pain in the ass, a stuck up jock, and my big brother. Really, everyone has a different view on him. He's my brother, and I love him. And I have no idea how he is going to react to you, being the first." I silently smacked myself for admitting that.

"Wow, good to know. So, what grade is he in?" He asked and then smirked.

"Junior, I'm only younger than him by a year." I continued.

"What about you? You said you had a younger sister." I asked him.

"Yeah, an eight year old sister Daisy." He replied and we just continued this back and forth between sips of our coffee. The two of us talked a little more, and then, after we finished our coffees, we left. The car ride home wasn't long, and we both chatted a bit more about our family, friends, old fish we had had, but killed from neglect.

"Thanks again, for the coffee, and rescuing me from Caroline, I seriously don't know what I would have done, I probably would have had to be a Barbie again for the night." I said as I rolled my eyes.

He laughed at that, as if he wanted to see it happen.

We pulled up to Caroline's driveway, and he helped me out of my seat, holding my hand. He didn't drop it as he walked me up to her door.

"I had fun. I really enjoy your company Haven. It's like we've known each other forever." He said and smiled. Man, I hated when guys were a lot taller than I was.

"How about I pick you up for school Monday morning? Think Bryan would mind?" He asked me.

"Sure, you know where I live still right? And let me worry about my brother."

"Yeah. Ok then, it's a date." He smiled, and it seemed to light up his entire face.

I looked up at Caroline's house, and the curtains in Caroline's room twitched.

"Caroline's spying on us." I whispered.

"I have an idea, of what to do." He whispered back.

"What?" I asked, truly intoxicated by his cologne barely able to think coherently.

"You don't have to be experienced, just let me know when you want to stop." Then, he kissed me. His lips were so warm and soft against mine. I never wanted it to stop. His mouth tasted like coffee, and I'm sure mine probably tasted like caramel macchiato. Seems neither of us cared one bit.

"See you Monday." He said giving me a wink and a smile, and walked back to his car. I just stood there with a stupid ass grin on my face, unable to answer him back. Man, had we put Caroline to shame or what?! Next thing I knew, the door flew open and somebody was dragging in the house talking a mile a minute

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