Chapter 19

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I was on a bus that was driving all the way from Nashville to some other town I forgot the name of for the playoffs. Chris was next to me, listening to his iPod. It was so loud; the music could be heard coming from the ear buds. Lil Wayne, I noted. I had Catching Fire in my lap and my phone in my left pocket. Chris looked like he was asleep, but it was too hard to tell, he could just be relaxing.

"Hey, wake up." I said softly and gently shook him awake.

"Are we there yet?" He asked in that sexy voice guys have when they feel sleepy.

"No, I got bored, and I need someone to entertain me." He smiled, and pressed his lips to mine. mid-kiss, I felt something smack me in the elbow.

"Haven! Stop it!" Bryan said and hit me in the elbow again. I sadly broke off the kiss, and turned to face him, an angry smile gracing my face.


"We are on a BUS, if you haven't noticed." He said, exasperated.

"Well, too bad, you aren't dad." I said and resumed my kiss.

He made an exasperated face at me, and flicked his iPod on. Thank God. The team we were playing was the Clarksville Cougars. I looked them up, and their record was pretty impressive, losing only 2 games the entire season. My phone buzzed.

You there yet?

Caroline texted me. I didn't feel like replying, so instead I snuggled up closer to Chris and fell asleep to his rhythmic breathing.

The bus pulled up to the school parking lot, which was packed beyond capacity. Cars were parked on ledges, in danger of being towed. We all got up, and stretched, some of the guys groaning. I walked from the back of the bus to leave, and Aiden, the well know douche-bag, slapped me on the butt.

"Douche." I muttered and stepped off the bus. The sunlight hurt my eyes, so I slipped my Ray-Ban's over my eyes. Chris grabbed my hand, and I smiled, and we were led into the locker rooms. The locker room smelled like sweat, which wasn't a big surprise. I went off in a corner to change. The facilities had offered me a private room being a girl and all, but I refused. Just because I was a girl. Didn't mean I deserved any special treatment. I quickly got dressed and most of the guys averted their eyes, except for Aiden, of course. After I deemed myself presentable, I grabbed my gear off the bench and put it all on. The bench was long, and it gave me enough room to sit next to Chris and hold his hand. Coach Braxton came in with his clipboard and described the starting line-up.

"Collins. You play QB to start, no funny business, or you're getting yanked!"

"Let's go play some football and whoop there sorry asses!" Rob Light yelled. The crowd wasn't audible from the locker room, but the turnout had been good. I stuck my hair up in a tight bun, and put my helmet on. No reason they had to know I was a girl. The announcer's voice rose up, and we ran onto the field at full speed.

"And number 12 of The Indians makes an excellent pass to Number 56." I heard the announcer say after I had thrown the ball to Aiden and he had gained 20 yards in one rush. Automatic First Down. We set up again, but the whistle was blown almost immediately as a False start was called against the Cougars. Our team advanced another five yards.

"INDIAN!" I yelled and the boys set up for the play. It was successful, and we ended up beating the other team by a field goal. Round two would come a week later.

The hotel everybody was staying at for the night was average, and I convinced coach to make me share a room with Chris. He thought that I needed privacy, and would have asked for a single room or something like that, but I said it was ok.

"You tired? Sore?" Chris asked me.

"Both." I said, and the sentence ended in a yawn.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." We both snuggled in the bed together, for some reason; there were two queen-sized beds in our room.

"I don't want to go to bed yet." I said.

"PJ's." I motioned to myself. He winked.

My bag was on the table in the room, and I got out my cheetah pants, and black tank. There was an urgent knock at the door.

'Coach?" I said.

"Some mail came in for you here today, no clue who it's from. Sorry If I woke you two."

"You didn't wake us; we were debating on what to do other than sleep." Chris said.

"Well, have a nice night." He said and we closed the door.

"I'm not tired anymore." I said and his mouth curved into a wicked smile.

I grabbed the package, and to my delight, found one of Caroline's paintings in it. It was of me, but I looked older, wiser stronger. She really had a talent for art. I was encouraging her to try and get a major in college for art. She thought she wasn't very good, but when you are a sophomore in high school and colleges are already offering you scholarships, you know you have talent.

"I heard a lot of banging around in your room last night, guys, everything okay?" Rob said the next morning. I playfully smacked Rob's shoulder and turned a dark shade of red. He was in our room, chatting, because we had to do something to kill time for twenty more minutes.

"We were just, having, a, um...."

"PILLOW FIGHT!" I chimed in. Chris threw me a grateful look.

"Sure, sure it was" Rob said and I blushed even deeper.

The bus ride home was long, and I didn't even bother unpacking my book. As soon as we pulled into the school parking lot, I told Bryan I was over at Chris house for a while, and to call if he needed me. Chris drove me home and to our delight, the house was empty. We raced up to his room and immediately shoved each other's tongues down our throats.

"I think I love you." I murmured into his ear.

"Think? You know." Chris said cockily back.

Three weeks Later...

We were doing so well, the team, I mean. We had advanced the past three weeks, and made it up to semi-finals which would be played in a week.

I felt much different. I had to take two days off due to the stomach bug, and then I still threw up when I came back to practice. We had run hard, that day. After a while, I realized something, and made Caroline come to my house at three in the morning to talk about it.

"Everything is fine, don't worry." She said and stroked my hair; I could at least have a night to gather my thoughts.

"Chris? Can you come over? It's important?" I called his cell.

"Yeah sure, I'm on my way right now." He said and the line went dead.

Five minutes later there was a knock on the door, and I opened it up to be greeted by a fervent kiss.

"Come on upstairs." I said to him and led him up. He sat down on the edge of my bed, his brows furrowed in concentration.

"Is everything okay?" He asked me. I shook my head no.

"What is it? You can tell me everything or anything and I won't tell a soul, I promise."

My eyes overflowed with water, and he wrapped his arms around me.

'It's me," I began.

"I think I might be pregnant."

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