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2 Years Later...

What are your extra-curricular activities?

I sighed, and filled in the blank. I had answered that question a ridiculous amount of times over June. The last day of school was tomorrow, and I was filling in my last college applications. With a flourish, I signed my name and put the last one in an envelope. Done! Any colleges that I had not applied too that still had deadlines were done. I had even started getting acceptance letters. My top college was Notre Dame.

Now, let me get this straight. Christian and I never got back together, and I had broken up with Chris two months ago. I loved Chris, no doubt about that, but it just never felt right after that. Carolinewas stuck with one guy, ironically, it was Rob Light. He had even gotten into USC. Bryan graduated with honors from high-school, and got an academic scholarship to BC. He started dating again, after anasty break up with Leanne, and is currently in love with a blonde named Crystal.

My phone started to play Coldplay's "Fix You", which was the caller I.D. for Caroline.

"Hello?" I answered.

"You will never guess what happened?!" Caroline squealed.

'What!?" I exclaimed over enthusiastically.

"I got into FIT!"

"Congrats!" I practically yelled.

"My folks will be home soon and I can't wait to tell them!"


My phone blinked.

"Caroline, can I call you later?" I asked.

"Sure!" I hung up and clicked accept to the other line.

"Hey babe."

"Hey" I said.

"You done with the last of the applications?"

"Yeah, I just finished the last one. Did you hear, Caroline got into FIT."

"That's great! She must be so happy."

"Are you planning on doing anything today?" He asked me.

"No, why?" I replied, a mischievous smile curling on my lips.

"I thought we could head over to my house, my folks are away for the night at a dinner party out of town."

"Why not?" I said.

"Pick you up in ten?" He asked.

"See you then, love you." I said and hung up. I quickly packed a bag just-in-case and grabbed a couple condoms from being my old softball socks in my sock drawer. No, we haven't done anything, yet.

Better be safe than sorry. Yes, my babe. All mine.

After deciding on a pair of cutoffs, and a simple orange tank, I threw my Havianas on my feet and sat down on the sticky couch to wait to for him. He honked the horn and I scrambled off the couch and out the door, locking it behind me.

"Hey" I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"You seem to be in a good mood." He said.

Casey Lockwood. Boyfriend #3. Yes, the same one who was my Biology partner way back when.

We drove to a restaurant to celebrate finally finishing my applications. He knew how much I liked to procrastinate.

"It feels so good to be done." I said and sipped my Coke. He chuckled, and grabbed my hands from across the table.

"I'm guessing so." He said with a laugh.

"I have news." I told him.

"You're not pregnant, are you?" I laughed.

"No, I already had that scare once."

"Well then, what is it?" His green eyes sparkled, and twinkled in the light of the restaurant. I pulled out the letter from my purse and handed it to him.

"Read it out loud." I said and he took it out of the envelope.

"Congratulations! Haven Collins, you have been accepted to Notre Dame on a full academic scholarship..." his eyes widened as he read the rest of the letter and he stood up and gave me a big hug.

"Congrats baby!" He kissed my cheek.

'Don't tell my dad yet, though, I want to surprise him and Bryan tonight." He faked zipping his lips shut.

"My lips are sealed." I smiled, and we finished up our dinner, and paid the bill. We left shortly after.

"I'm so proud of you." He said as he dropped me off.

"Now go make your brother and father proud." I gave him one long fervent kiss and exited the cabin of his truck, sighing with happiness and a full stomach. After unlocking the door, I ran inside.

"Dad! Bryan! I have great news!"

"I know present to you, Haven Collins, class valedictorian!" My principal's vice rang out in the loud speaker and a loud route of cheering commenced. I stood up from my seat and my white robes fluttered in the light Tennessee breeze behind me. As I walked up to the podium, speech in hand, I heard the clapping and cheering of my classmates, as well as the audience. Once I adjusted the microphone, the cheering died down, and I began.

"Knowing this town, and how small it is, you really get to know people. These last couple years have been a blessing to me and to my other friends here today." A small murmur began.

"I have grown up with this town, and it has grown up alongside me. From the renovation the elementary school undertook when we were in the fourth grade, to winning the football championship last season, everything has changed. I think I speak for all of our graduating class when I say that these years have been unforgettable, and I never will forget them."

A small cheer erupted.

"One thing I really realized was that anybody can do anything if they set their mind to it, which is exactly what I did when I joined the Football team. I did it for my brother, because I loved him. Throughout my sophomore year, I had one of the best years of my life including Playing on the football team, and having my first boyfriend."

My cheeks burned at the last mention, and I saw Christian look up at me.

"I think it is safe to say, no matter how much we all complain about school, we will all miss this school when we are all off in college or working. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and we all certainly have gotten stronger. Thank-you."

"Haven Collins has maintained a 4.0 G.P.A. and is headed off to Notre Dame in the fall on a full academic scholarship." Clapping and cheering occurred, and I walked onto the stage to accept my diploma. Life was good. I locked eyes with Casey, and smiled. When the principal was done, we all through our hats up in the air.

I looked behind me, and there standing was Chris and Christian. They both gave me hugs and congrats. Life was good, and I had Notre Dame to look forward to in the fall. My mustang was never tamed; my wild horse had been let free.

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