Chapter 14

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The picnic was fun, but all I could think about was if Bryan could play ball again, so I guess you could say that Christian noticed when I tried not to break down, only to sob into his chest. He had to stay in the hospital for the next week, so every day after school; I ditched my friends and drove down to see him, bringing flowers every time. Soon enough, his whole room smelled like flowers, and he said that they reminded him of me. Christian came a couple times, but he could guess that I needed to be alone sometimes too.

The results were in. Bryan had Long QT Syndrome, which was very rare. His heart was born this way. I told Christian in a fit of tears that he couldn't play football anymore. The doctors told him while I was in the room, and it took all the strength he had not to cry. After the week, which was a long one, was over, we brought him home.

"Haven you okay?" Bryan asked me, concern lining the tone of his voice

"As if YOU should be asking that." I said, a little too crabby.

"I'm fine, if that's what you are wondering about."

He put in his ear buds and nodded of in the passenger seat while I watched him the whole way home from the back. The doctors had issued us an automated external defibrillator, or AED for short.

"Bryan, we're home." I said to him as our dad cut the engine off and carried his bags in. He was sleepy at first, but woke up, rubbing his eyes.

"We're home." I said, and he smiled at the thought of home.

"Thanks." He said. I brought Bryan to the couch, where he collapsed, and proceeded to make him Chocolate brownies, his favorite.

I took out the brownies carefully and set them on the counter to cool. It was a long day, and I was exhausted. Caroline called, but I didn't have the heart to answer her calls. I decided that I needed a nap; and proceeded to flop on my bed, shoes and all. My queen size bed had something on it. It was a creme box and envelope. I grabbed the envelope first.


Sorry about Bryan, he was such a good football player, but at least he is safe. I love you, just realize that.



Inside the package was a silver necklace. I clasped it around my neck and fell asleep to the sound of my own tears.

My alarm woke me up, and I realized that I had school, and Bryan would be coming. He said he felt fine when I questioned him, but I made him ride with Christian and I to school today. He kissed me on the cheek goodbye and walked over to his friends, who enveloped him in a big hug. I quickly kissed Christian and head to Chemistry without waiting for Caroline.

Later that day, Bryan and I were sitting on the couch watching some movie about cowboys, and they were riding the wild mustangs, wild horses. A horse was shot, and even though he was injured, he still tried to limp to safety with his owner. It reminded me of Bryan.

"Hey Mustang." I called over to him and he turned my way.

"What up with the funny name?" He asked me.

"New nickname." I said quickly.


"I'll tell you one day," I said and left the room to call Christian. While I waited for him to come over, I wrote in my journal about the Mustang referral. He could never know, not ever.

"Haven! Christian's here," Bryan yelled from downstairs.

"Send him up!" I yelled down and heard him thump up the stairs. He stopped in the doorway to look into my filthy room, which was usually spotless.

"Come here, I need a hug." I said to him and he came and wrapped his arms around me. After a while, I had calmed down a little and we were talking.

Christian kissing my shoulder brought me back to reality, and then our lips met again with equal fervor as the last kiss. We kissed for what seemed like hours, and it was a good distraction from life for a while. Then, of course, Bryan walked into the room

"Bryan! Shit! Get Out! Haven't you heard of knocking?!" He shut the door, laughing, and I groaned.

""I should go." Chris said to me.

"I'll call you when I get home." He said and kissed me.

"Love you." I said.

"Love you too."He said and closed the front door behind him.

I couldn't stand to be in the same room as Bryan, afraid he would bring the making out up, and so I made another batch of brownies while talking on the phone to Caroline in Spanish. Bryan took French, and I took Spanish, he couldn't know what I was talking about.

"Help Me!". She squealed, and I laughed.

"Too hard to choose between Nate, and Darren?" I joked.

"Not funny.". She said, which made it all the funnier.

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