Chapter 16

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I'd stand in the shadows of your heart and tell you I'm not afraid of your dark.

"Someone saw me, Lou." Harry squeezed his eyes shut and gasped. "They saw what I did to her."


"They saw you?" Louis questions as if Harry's broken confession held no substance. "Who did?"

"I don't know." Harry sighs.

He works on breathing in Louis' sleepy intoxicating scent rather than corrupting his logic with panic. Harry didn't operate that way.

But he's also never had a witness who got away before either.

"How bad was it?" Louis asks calmly, fingers not tensing up or stopping the circular rubbing motions against Harry's scalp.

"Was what?"

"The woman."

"I just......hit her."

"How badly?"

Harry knows Louis wants an intelligent answer from him, one that answered the question fully. He shut out the fear and subtle anxiety in favour of crawling between Louis' parted knees and hauling the boy's mass onto his lap. He also brought Louis' face to his neck with a firm but gentle hand, and rubbed Louis' back where each knob of his spine could be felt.

"Badly enough with a broken stove plate that her neck now hangs off her shoulders now."

"So she's dead."

Harry hums quietly, almost to himself, and takes up the light occupation of sucking red claiming bruises all over Louis' skin. The boy gasps from this new sensation but can't seem to stop the man from continuing.

"Stop, Harry." Louis feebly fends off the much stronger male crushing him from above. When Harry doesn't listen, Louis sighs and gives up defending himself. "Where's the body?"

Harry releases the spot by Louis' hip - one of his favourite regions to explore because of the way the boy's pelvic bone pressed against the pale skin - from between his teeth.
He's changed from someone nervous to proud in a matter of seconds. The transformation is much akin to the way Louis handles situations like when he can be what outsiders see, or when he just wants to be small, simple-minded and happily looked after.

"It's in a park." Harry's smirking arrogantly with the warm press of his teeth on Louis' belly button giving him shivers. "On a swing."

"Are you- Harry! That's dangerous." Louis exclaims, flailing his arms and failing once again to escape Harry's impenetrable cage.

"It's not like someone will attack her." Harry chuckles in a manner so dark Louis fails to see the boy who stumbled in here and the man who follows him around in this Harry's eyes.

"You have to go get it. Take her somewhere else." Louis' shaking his head and suddenly Harry doesn't like all the fight he's putting up.

"Why should I?"

"Because if someone sees-"

"I know what I'm doing, princess." Harry digs into Louis' smooth neck with experienced canines.

Louis groans from the burst of displeasure and the prick on his skin of Harry's too sharp molars. He huffs and shoves Harry's unbudging chest with both his arms when the man doesn't let up and holds Louis in place with that bite.

"My good boy." Harry's breathing heavily through his nostrils. "Are you going to tell me next that I'm not a good enough civilian?"

"You aren't." Louis gasps when his throat is released and he feels fierce engravings where Harry's mouth latched on.

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