Chapter 26

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I want to be lost in your darkest everything.


"Niall's waiting at the airport for us." Harry informs Louis and Zayn after paying the cab driver. He's conveniently taken back everything - and more - of what's his followed by what's owed to him.

That excited Louis, because it feels like he's been away from all the things he's always so familiar with for so very long. Louis still isn't sure whether Zayn was part of the deal in leaving Briarville, but he's not going to let him go back there ever.

"Who took care of all this?" Louis asks Harry, holding his arm and whispering in his ear.

"Your blond friend was all too thrilled to have my credit card details." Harry whispers back with a side smirk.

Louis smiles because of course Niall was. He turns back to make sure Zayn's still there, looking gravely uncomfortable but manages a smile for Louis when the boy checks on him.

"You okay?" Louis can't rotate his entire body since Harry has him plastered to his side.

Zayn nods jerkily. "Yeah."

They board a flight in their current dishevelled state, and none of them seem to care about the odd looks being passed around about them. They look homeless, and homeless people don't belong in first class.

"It's just an hour flight." Harry makes Louis sit by the window at the wing. "Sleep if you want to."

Louis' slept a lot these past days and weeks, but it was never relaxing or soothing the way sleep should be. He knows he'll just be grumpy if he only gets an hour nap, so he opts to stay awake.

"I feel sick." Louis swallows the foul taste in his mouth and as a reaction, his body provides him with a pulsating headache.

"You need motion sickness pills." Zayn says in advice. "It's the baby."

Harry buckles him in even though Louis can do it himself, and gets him a bottle of water just after take off. There are no special pills for Louis, and Harry won't have him shovelling random tablets just because there's a 'what if' scenario.

"Drink this." Harry gets the water bottle with a nozzle at the top because Louis' previously complained about any other type hurting his teeth.

Louis swallows a good amount of water and it settles the queasiness in his tummy at least.

"Close your eyes." Harry allows Louis to rest his head on his shoulder. "How do you feel, baby?"

Louis hums, feeling comfortable like this, and smiles when Harry slips his hand into Louis'. Damp lips are pressed to his knuckles and Louis retaliates by kissing Harry's jaw.

The flight lands close to fifty minutes later, and Harry's the only one who was awake for the entire time. Zayn fell asleep at an awkward angle, his head hung off his shoulder almost as if it was detached completely. When the seatbelt sign goes out above their heads, Harry starts to wake his companions up.

"Lou?" He unbuckles Louis' seat while the other passengers get off. "Get up, love."

Louis blinks lazily and smiles at Harry when the first thing he sees is Harry's face inches from his. He reaches out to touch Harry's cheek, feel if he's real at all. He blushes when it's all true and Harry kisses his nose.

"We're going to see Niall now, darling." Harry knows that's enough to wake Louis up all the way.

Louis' smile broadens into a grin and he stands up immediately, keeping one hand in Harry's while Zayn stretches in the isle.

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