Chapter 15

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Love is what makes two people sit together in the middle of the bench when there is plenty of space around them.


It's been four days since the kidnapping incident. Five ordinary, boring days of both Harry and Louis' lives. Louis went back to his dorm room and attended his lectures while Harry tried to have the apartment well furnished for when Louis returned this weekend.
There was no denying a steady emptiness that took over a small part of their existences when they weren't in each other's company every single moment. Thanks to their years of independence, it wasn't something that distracted them from what needed to get done at the end of the day.

Returning to a world of work, eat and study on Tuesday was confidence-boosting to Louis because that is where he felt at ease, where everything was black ink and crinkly paper. He could always control the outcome when it came to work.
Harry had dropped him off at the dormitory early Tuesday morning, stopping him just he's about to enter the tall building.

"I'll fetch you on Friday, okay?" Harry put his hands on Louis' waist, rubbing his sides comfortingly. "Right here, wait for me."

Louis nods, feeling for some questionable reason, like they're separating for an upsetting amount of time. He bites his lip and stands on the tips of his shoes to kiss Harry.

Chuckling, Harry tugs on Louis' bottom lip between his teeth and pulls the boy's shirt - Harry's own shirt - over his behind.

"What are you doing?" Louis giggles, taking Harry's hands away from his bum.

"Can't have everyone seeing you." Harry insists, putting his flat palms back there, squeezing just a bit now. "Mine, remember?"

"I remember."

The day itself goes fairly well, until the lecture Louis shares with Harry comes along at the end of the day. It's their only lecture together and they're lucky they even have that, if anything.

Louis has been running behind Niall, running to the dorms to check on his pets, running for lunch at the diner, and finally running from hall to theatre for his lectures. He had an hour's break between all that rushing and really wanted a nap. Two-hour naps at Harry's place is what he desires.

It's Photo-journalism time and Niall just dragged him to an empty row right at the back.

"If you want to sleep, now's the time." Niall watches the door as he says it. God forbid the professor walk in while he speaks.

"Nut." Louis mutters and takes out his laptop.

"How long is this one?" Niall asks, sitting down and extracting a protein bar from his bag.

"An hour." Louis brushes his hair back and Niall offers him half of the bar to eat. "Thanks."

Harry walks in just two minutes before the lecturer can, and doesn't mind standing at the door until he spots Louis hidden by the dim lighting at the back. Louis notices how tense he appears, stiff and set jaw with his cheeks hollowed, glimpses of his - nicknamed by Louis himself - angry vein peeking through the skin where Louis' amateur love bite still stood proudly.

He's carrying one bag and takes two steps at a time as he jogs over to Louis' seat, loosening his tight demeanour when Louis smiles up at him.

"Hi." Louis pushes Niall with several nudges so Harry has place to sit next to the isle.

"Hello, darling." Harry immediately goes for Louis' neck, kissing it chastely in greeting.

Louis clears his throat and just about keeps his blush at bay. "How was your Tuesday thus far?"

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