Chapter 9

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Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.


Louis got dropped off at his theatre door before Harry handed over his bag. There was no doubt they were still awkward around each other, both having never pushed themselves out into the world of romanticised relationships. They were stumbling and bound to take a while in the learning process too.

"I'll fetch you tomorrow then." Harry says decisively.

Louis nods and moves aside so another student can enter the theatre ahead of him. Niall is sure to arrive in a moment, when he will be heard ahead of being seen.


The corner's of Louis' mouth twitch upwards and he takes in Harry's uncomfortable stance. He honestly didn't know why he kept at this if he wasn't happy.

He guesses this conversation is over and turns away to get inside, when Harry grabs his wrist to bring him back. A pair of wet, plump lips from a familiar person press against Louis' cheek and despite it being too quick to enjoy, it makes him smile anyway.

"Bye." That seems to have been Harry's treatment, because now he flashes Louis a smile - a true freaking phenomenon - before departing.

After coming back from that wonder, Louis realises that he's hour break was supposed to mean skipping across town to the dance studio then getting back for his final lecture of that week. Harry took up close to forty minutes of that break so leaving now would mean being late for both his rehearsal and his lecture.

* * * * *

Harry is really happy.

Ecstatic. Glad. Gleeful. Overjoyed. Excited. All those synonyms and all he feels is happy. It's a strictly confusing emotion because it's so vague yet appealing. It's an emotion that makes Harry smile at the ground at times when he's supposed to be glowering.

It's an eccentric feeling that makes him feel wealthy and almost normal. He's never gotten through a period like this, where he didn't know why he wanted to help an old woman across the street he didn't - or take a lost child to their parent - the opportunity never came.

He thinks about the gift he was meant to give Louis back in Middleston, and knows he still has it ready for parting. He mentally pats himself on the back for going with the occurrences of today and not ruining the sliver of a chance he possessed.

It was just nice, an inexplicably warm feeling, to know he could go somewhere and have someone waiting for him. He could pick Louis up from class and walk out with him where everybody saw.

* * * * *

"Where the fuck have you been?" Niall strides up to him, glaring at Louis' stressed expression.

"Sorry. Niall, I have to get somewhere." Louis would bite his nail but that's disgusting and he has a bright blue plaster across four of his fingers.


"That dance studio I told you about."

"Oh yeah. Shit, man. Well, this class is just Media so you can go and I'll cover what happened with you later."

Louis could kiss Niall, instead he opts for: "Really? I owe you, Niall. Thanks."

"Yeah, yeah. I know. Now get out of my face." Niall waves him off.

"Love you!" Louis shouts to him when he's about three feet away and Niall groans outwardly at all the quizzical gazes coming his way.

Louis has a bag packed for dance so he drops his books off and grabs the light navy duffel before dashing out the door like a madman. He thanks his last lucky stars that the bus is just leaving when he comes to a halt by the stop, panting from the run.

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