Chapter 51

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I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.


"Let me go!" Louis struggled in vain and when the man didn't relent, he fell back with a huff of tangy dissatisfaction.

"Never, princess." Harry held him back from leaping off their bed, snatching up every and any part of Louis that threatened to escape him.

Today was a big day. It was a very, very big day in Louis' solid opinion. Harry looked cool and collected about the fact that the date of their wedding has dawned upon them, but Louis knew better.

"We're not supposed to see each other before the ceremony, you know." Louis said in an irregularly soft tone, brushing up and down Harry's arm with his fingertips.

Harry hummed as if he heard clearly what the boy said and buried his visage in the juncture of Louis' neck. "Right now pales in comparison to last night in that regard, darling."

Louis laughs and sets himself more comfortably on his pillow. Their pillow, rather. Harry scattered kisses on the back of his neck and Louis fought his libido in becoming a cavity of marshmallow goo. He sighed contentedly and thought back to when this day became the circled date on their calendars.

"Liv." Louis pleads with his one year old daughter who doesn't seem to grasp the concept of a marriage proposal. "Help me."

He presented her with two choices of clothing: a navy blazer and white T-shirt or a simple maroon cable knit sweater. His preference is the first and maybe averts Olivia's little palm a little when she's making a decision for him. She goes back to her stuffie with Lego caging her in protectively.

"The food!" He exclaims when the smell of something burning wafts through the house.

In socks and no pants because of his mad dash to keep the house out of harm's way, Louis races downstairs to lower the heat on the stove. Unfortunately, by then the meal he planned so intricately from Jamie Oliver's website is ruined and he moans pathetically while cleaning up.

The time dictates that he has thirty minutes - at most - before Harry returns from his session at the gym with Zayn and Liam. Boy was that a challenge when it came to getting Harry back on the regimen. He was stubborn and clung to Louis extra tight whenever it came up, because the last time he went to the gym he got home to no Louis and no Olivia.

Olivia starts to cry and when Louis returns from his trip outside to take out the trash, he finds himself once again rushing up the stairs after washing his hands.

"Oh, sweet pea." He dries his hands off on his top, zero regard for the fact that it is part of his ensemble for the evening. "Do you want milk or proper food?"

The wailing baby girl snuggles into her mother's chest and quietens down when Louis allows her to nurse from him. He walks with her in his arms downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hi." He greets and gets greeted by the counter person at the nearest Italian restaurant.

His order is placed while Olivia feeds, eyes wide and attentive towards every little move her mom makes. She hears his voice loud and clear speaking to the person on the other end, working herself up and eventually opening her mouth to babble nonsense. Louis cuts the phone call short and tends to her.

"Not tired yet, huh?" He was really counting on Olivia falling asleep before Harry got home.

Louis walks around the living room while he mentally irons out the creases for tonight. Proposal? Check. Food? Almost check. He takes Bean upstairs with him to change his pants. She lies on her front with Grey keeping her company, occasionally making a curious sound to which Louis would respond sweetly.

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