Chapter 53 (last chapter)

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When you're lost, I'll find a way. I'll be your light.


"Harold." Louis prodded at his husband's chest with his index finger, keeping his voice low after he just got Olivia to fall asleep.

Harry didn't budge an inch, his head remaining turned to the side so the artful curve of his jaw was on perfect display from under his skin. Louis was subtle about seating himself astride the man's hips and hoping his restlessness would disappear. He laid his head over Harry's heartbeat and closed his eyes.

Within seconds he was smothered by arms winding all the way around him, and legs tangling with his.

"I knew you were awake." Louis spoke to Harry's closed eyes, rolling his eyes at the prize-winning smirk he develops. "You're always awake when Bean is."

Harry simply gets his face hidden in Louis' neck where it smelt of peach hotel body gel and delicacy. He breathed low and calm like the tide of his pulse, fingers twitching against Louis' waist.

"Daddy, wake up." Louis pressed his thumbs to the protruding appearance of Harry's clavicle.

"It's six in the morning, princess." Harry, without shame, lowered his hand to Louis' behind and gripped him through the thin nylon of a Packers jersey.

"Irrelevent." Louis chirps, Harry's chin resting on his head with his voice scratchy from sleep.

After a little investigating - Harry's been licensed to do such things to his lovely Louis both before and after wedlock - Harry cracks an eye open to suspiciously gaze down at the tan skin creeping out from under Louis' jersey.

"Are you naked under this?" Harry pinches the shoulder and turns over onto his side, his back to the second bed.

"Dunno." Louis mumbles, half asleep now that he's succesfully entranced Harry's condition.

Harry let's him lay in peace for just these short tranquil moments. He then pulls the covers over Louis and continues his efforts to discover any undergarments. None are found when he skims over the roundness of Louis' bum and it makes the man's heart race.

"You're not sleeping now, darling." Harry whispered deviously, switching Louis onto his back and looming above him.

Louis' eyes spring open and they're full of mirth, admiring Harry's prowess when it comes to lust. He does the man a favour by reaching down and grasping the hem of his least favourite sports jersey, before dropping it off the side of the bed. Harry roots his hands to the mattress and his mouth is planted over Louis' navel.

"When did you find the time to take off your clothes, princess?" Harry distinctly remembered Louis falling asleep with him in a decent amount of attire.

Giggling behind his own hand, Louis bit his lip and hoped that Olivia stayed asleep. He really didn't want his baby girl waking up to see her father doing what he does when he turns this ravenous during early morning hours.

Louis felt kisses and what could hardly be deemed neat suckling moving lower and lower until Harry's mouth reached his thighs. There they paused to worship the life-long scar of his husband's name, teeth sinking into the warm flesh and experienced tongue lapping at the burn they left behind. When Louis' thighs start to quiver from ill-restraint, Harry had them projected over his shoulders and his hands pegged the right one down against him. The skin-on-skin momentum is all he needed.

"Harry? Harry, stop." Louis remembers that their daughter is just a few feet away and she does not need to be woken up by their randy teenage noises.

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