Chapter 27

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You broke my heart, but I still love you with all the pieces.


Feeling patriotic, Louis decides he wants to take the bowl he used for cereal to the kitchen. Harry, succumbing to mutual lust, pulls it out of his grip and pins his arms to the mattress. Louis lands on his back with a soft 'omph' sound.

"Haz...." Louis whines, fidgeting while his body is held down with a hold so much mightier than his.

The only response he gets is a pair of licked lips pressing scalding kisses up his neck. The pressure hurts where some bruises are blossoming and merely adds to the pool of heat in Louis' tummy in other spots.

"I love your skin." Harry captures a small bit of flesh between his teeth, smiling into release when hands wrap around his waist after he let's Louis' arms go.

"My skin?" Louis' nails draw red lines down Harry's back.

Harry hums and it sends thrills of exciting shivers along the surface of Louis' skin where goosebumps began to rise. He grins when Harry crawls up to his level again, slotting their lips together and initiating a breathless, sloppy kiss. It's making the air hot and Harry's hand has snuck around Louis' waist to grope his bum, knead the firm flesh and swallow any pleased sounds from his boy.

It doesn't lead to anything more heated and sweaty, just them lying on the bundled sheets kissing lazily under the faint sunlight. Harry will get too excited and slip a hand between Louis' thighs, just to have the boy giggle and roll away. He'd much rather be deprived of sex with Louis than have him so far away all together.

"Come back here." Harry reaches out for any part of Louis, and manages to grab his ankle.

Louis would give up many things to spend a day in bed with Harry, but there is a day to look forward to and errands to deal with. It's already nine o'clock.

"We have things to do." Louis gets his limb free and pulls on underwear - beneath the covers so Harry can't see.

"Are they more important than our relationship?" Harry stands up as well, just because it's easier to catch Louis on his way to the bathroom when he's on his feet.

"Nothing's more important than our relationship." Louis presses a chaste kiss to Harry's cheek before slipping out of his arms and tries not to frown at how chilly it suddenly feels.

After making quick work of showering and getting ready, Louis sits at the kitchen counter on the phone with the only Indian restaurant in Greenstone. It was not without difficulty, of course, because Harry walked into his shower without asking permission. That inevitably led to more time spent under the hot spray.

He wore black jeggings now, and Harry's lavender sweater with some comfy Vans - nothing else was comfortable in his book. His shoes were coming with Harry from the bedroom so for now he walked around with secret socks.
The person he spoke to at the restaurant had a foreign accent but promised him hot and fantastic food as soon as he got there. He sounded young too.

His tummy growled and the sound was soft, muted by the thick sweater he was donning.

"Someone's hungry." He mumbled to himself as he went to the fridge with the express intent of discovering something suitably edible.

They had pickles. It was all the way in the back behind a head of lettuce, and Louis felt his mouth water at the sight. Pickles are glorious, and Bean thinks so too.
He takes the jar of mini pickles - they're going to buy large pickles today because this is outrageous - back to the kitchen counter and starts munching away. The crunch is the most delightful soundtrack, the sour taste is so satisfying.

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