Chapter 3

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*** Guys i think wattpad is helping me with skl! i realise that since last year january when i officially got hardcore addicted to it, ive been able to remember things better so studying is now a breeze. Yay me!***


Louis' had enough of this silence. The daunting time flickers by and all he feels is discomfort. He's quite fit for an average high schooler but the latest addition to his injuries with unbearable pain, has started acting up again. About three minutes into Harry just hiding in his tummy and breathing heavily, Louis becomes feverish. He knew the cause of the problem because his behind has been unreasonably tender all day and is fucking throbbing through his jeans. He's a master at handling pain, but sometimes even he needed stitches.

"Harry?" Louis was staring at the girl, whose body was bent at an unnatural angle from Harry's force.

He wishes he wasn't so okay with this, but he is in this now and doesn't want to disappoint a man much stronger than him now or ever. He'll just have to figure this out.

Harry looks up at him, look of pure innocence in his eyes, his arms still around Louis' figure.

"Gonna get up from there?" Louis keeps his tone soft and free of anything - like fear or anxiety that Harry could detect.

Harry nods - not a man of many words, Louis thinks - and rises to his feet. He had a slightly scrunched nose and deeply thoughtful frown on his face.

"What is it?"

"I want to stay over." Harry tells Louis. "Tonight."

"I don't mind." Louis shrugs. "Just clean up after yourself."

By that he meant, get rid of the bloody dead body from the doorway for Pete's Sake. Harry nods, reading Louis' mind. "I'll park my car in the garage then."


Harry bites his lip but says nothing more before leaving through the front door. Louis' shoulders sag in exhaustion, but all the muscles in his body creak from discomfort and the badgering dilemma in his lower regions. He ignores it all and goes upstairs to shower. He trusts Harry not to 

steal anything when he gets back, not that there's anything really valuable here anyway.

He wipes the sweat off his brow and gets under the hot water's spray, a fleeting memory of Harry's extravagant shower quirk comes to his mind as he leans against the tiles.

Harry does park his car in Louis' garage and takes the bar hopper's body there for the perfect hiding place in his trunk. He really needs more dog blankets, and now he knows Louis works in a pet shop so maybe he'll get some from him. Upon re-entering the home, Harry listens to every prickle and static noise. He hears the shower loud and clear, the hum of the air conditioner and ticking of the overhead clock in the lounge.

He enters the kitchen, out of the pure need to investigate. The room is small but sufficient enough for a single person or tiny family. Harry wonders where Louis' family is and why they aren't home at - he glances at his wrist watch - almost six when it's dark out already.

The shower's still on, and Harry listens to how the spray is interrupted by Louis' body movements. There's always the sweet splash of pressured water hitting cold tile, so Louis can't cover the entire shoot of water. Another indication of Louis' tiny stature that made him appealing to Harry on the first day of Gemma's twelfth year. He sighs and shoves those thoughts away. She was still his sister and he occasionally thought about what it would have been like had he not ended her life, but somethings can't be helped.

When Harry's finished using the magnet set on the refrigerator to create random words like 'fridge' or 'fruit', 'Louis' and 'Har0ld'. Louis called him that last name, but since he used the 'O' for Louis he had to make use of the number 0 for his own nickname.

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