Chapter 1

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"Come on girls, time to get moving!" Meryl said rushing into the kitchen where her two youngest daughters were eating breakfast. "You're gonna be late on your second day."

"Gracie, you're going to make sure your sister gets to her class, right?" Don asked walking into the kitchen behind his wife.

10 year old Louisa huffed. "Dad, I can get to my class fine. It's my second day."

"She's fine." 15 year old Grace shrugged her shoulders.

"We just moved back to the city, and you're used to your school in Salisbury, not New York City." Meryl pointed out as she handed Don a piece of toast and his coffee.

"Your mother is right, Louisa. Just for the week. We just moved in here. The city is huge." Don pointed out.

"The bus picks us up right outside the townhouse and drops us off at the school." Louisa pointed out.

Meryl looked at Don and sighed. "Louisa, PLEASE. Do this for your dear old parents so they don't have a heart attack." Meryl pleaded as they heard the bus honk.

"Come on, that's the bus." Grace said jumping up and kissing her parents.

"Have a good day, and be safe." Don said as he handed them their bags and kissed them both. "I love you."

Meryl handed them their lunches and kissed them as well. "Come straight home, I'll be here, love you."

And with that their daughters were going to their second day of school in Manhattan. Neither of them had ever lived in Manhattan permanently and both Don and Meryl were worried. Meryl walked to the front door of their lavish townhouse as she watched her daughters get on the bus as Don came up behind her to wrap his arms around her. "They'll be fine."

Meryl smiled as she leaned back into his embrace. "I know, but they're used to Salisbury. Did we do the right thing by moving back here?"

Don turned her in his arms after pulling her back inside and closing the front door. "The girls are already loving it. We wanted to be closer to your family, the art world and shooting movies will be easier for you. We can't shelter them forever."

"I can try." She pouted at him.

Don laughed as he kissed her lips. "They're our girls; they'll be fine." He said with a smack to her ass as he grabbed his portfolio that was sitting on the table by the front door.

Meryl stepped to the side for him to retrieve his things. "What's on the agenda for today?"

"Well, I need to meet with some dealers and start on the latest project." He smiled at her as he picked up his keys and wallet from the entry table. "You?"

"Try to get this place in order." She laughed as they had just moved into their Manhattan townhouse. Yeah, they had owned it for 6 years and stayed there whenever they were in the city but since it was now their main home she wanted to make it feel more like that-permanent and not a getaway place. "Go to the market. Will you be late?"

"Nah, I should be home for dinner. I'll call you later." He said with a kiss to her lips. "I Love you."

"Love you too, baby, have a good day." She smiled as she closed the door after him. "Where to start?" She sighed as she looked at the boxes.


Don was walking to his new studio, admiring the New York skyline. He was so happy they had decided to move back to Manhattan. They would of course keep their country home for weekends, holidays, and retirement, but New York was where their work was. He loved the busyness of the city. The smell. The people. This is where he began his career. This is where he met Meryl. This is where they started their family. A sense of peace regarding moving to the city had enveloped him the past few weeks. As he walked he was admiring being back. He was brought out of his thoughts when the unthinkable happened...

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