Chapter 5

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It was Tuesday night and Don had just gotten done making sure the girls were in bed with things ready for school the next day. Don finished making the girls' lunches, cleaned the kitchen, grabbed a basket full of clean laundry and a beer as he headed upstairs. He turned on the television in the bedroom he shared with Meryl just as the phone rang; hoping it was his beloved wife. He felt so torn. He knew he needed to be there for their daughters so they could be in school and provide them with stability after the nightmare of September 11th and all of Don's injuries; yet on the other hand he wanted to be with his wife and in laws. Harry and Mary Streep were more like parents to him than his own most of the time; definitely more so than his own father ever was. He wanted to be there to support Meryl in the decisions she was making with her father on her mother's behalf. As Don looked at the caller ID he frowned when his in-law's number showed up; knowing his wife was at the hospital. He prayed that their fear since getting the phone call 4 nights earlier wasn't becoming a reality.

Don took a deep breath as he answered. "Hello?"

"Hey there, son." A tired Harry Streep answered on the other end of the phone. Don's heart sank as many thoughts ran through his head, mainly why was Harry calling and not Meryl? Meryl always called this time of night. She would talk to the girls when they got home from school and then to Don so they could have their alone time; husband and wife time. It wasn't unlike Harry to call; but in this instance it worried Don. "Don, are you there?"

"Yes, I am, Dad. Sorry about that. Has there been a change? Is Meryl alright?" Don asked trying not to sound worried; but he knew his wife. She would take care of her family at all costs-even at the cost of her own health.

Harry Streep couldn't help but smile. He was so proud of his daughter and son-in-law; not only of the careers they made for themselves but also for the way their marriage only got stronger with each year. "Meryl is fine, well, as fine as she can be. She doesn't know I'm calling in fact she told me not to when I told her I was calling you."

Don shook his head; his wife was always so worried about him. However, it was the same with Don when it came to his wife and his family. "What's going on, Dad?"

"Well, the medical team has run every test and have tried everything they can. They are meeting tomorrow to discuss stopping treatment and sending Mary home on Hospice." Harry Streep tried to be strong but couldn't stop the stray tear that escaped his eye.

Don nodded to himself, he was afraid it would come to this. He heard it in Meryl's voice the last time they talked even though she didn't say it. "Oh, Dad, I'm so sorry. Meryl didn't want you to tell me?"

"I know you are, son, thank you. Meryl didn't want you to know because she is so concerned about stability for you and the girls; and also making sure you get time in the studio. She was afraid if she told you about the appointment you would come here; but she needs you, Don. We don't want Mary to hear any of this and I am the only one that can stay with Mary if Meryl is meeting with the team." Harry explained.

Don's heart broke when he heard his father-in-law voice what he knew, his wife needed him though she would never ask him to put their girls' lives and his work on hold; he knew she thought he put his work on hold too much for her and her career though he didn't feel that way at all. "So Meryl will be making these decisions with the doctors alone?"

"I hate to put it on her; but we don't want Mary to hear, at least not yet, and don't want to leave her alone in case..." Harry trailed off. Don couldn't imagine being in Harry's shoes; or his wife's shoes. "Honestly, I don't know if I can do it, mentally, and she is our power of attorney. I know my daughter and that she will make the best decision; you too. I trust you both immensely."

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