Chapter 29

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It was Friday morning, the day before was the last of the witnesses and closing arguments. Don and Meryl knew that the judge would return his verdict that morning. They were both on edge, wanting to get the morning over with. Don's SUV was packed, and soon as it was over they would pick the girls up from school and go out to Connecticut. They were all happy that it was a half day of school for the girls, and that meant they would be in Connecticut before dinner time. Meryl had already asked the person who checked in on the house to be there when the market delivered all the groceries she ordered. She loved the local market in Salisbury, and especially loved that they delivered. She knew neither she or Don would want to shop when they got there. All she wanted was to make dinner in her big country kitchen for her family. Don and Meryl decided not to tell the kids that the verdict was being returned that morning, as they didn't want them to worry. So, they tried to act as though nothing was wrong.


"Where is that judge?" Meryl sighed looking at Don's watch while holding his wrist in her hand, tapping on it. "Is this even working?"

Don placed a reassuring hand on her leg. "Yeah baby, I think it is. He should be here soon."

"I wish we weren't stuck in this room with that animal." She said nodding her head in Mann's direction, who didn't take his eyes off her. "God, he is a monster."

Don couldn't agree more, as he looked over at Mann and glared at him. "After this morning, you will never be near him again."

"From your lips." She sighed.

Don took her hand in his. "Baby, their defense was crap. Look at ALL of the evidence that Larry presented, look at our testimonies. He didn't have ANY character witness. Their only witness was OUR daughter, and she blew his case to hell. Not only did we have the police testifying against him; that fucking shrine he has to you is enough evidence in itself. Besides, all of his convictions last time."

"You seem pretty sure of yourself." She said.

Don smiled. "I had a long talk with myself in the shower this morning."

"So, that's what you do when I won't shower with you? Glad it's not other things." She teased.

Don let out a loud laugh. "I leave that to you, baby." He said kissing her lips. "I know I've lost my head MANY times during this whole thing, but I reminded myself of the facts that were presented. Besides, I promised you it would all be okay, didn't I?"

"Yes you did, and you always keep your promises." She smiled at him. "I'm ready for the weekend."

Don leaned forward and kissed her lips. "I am too, more than you know."

"All rise." The bailiff announced as Don and Meryl stood up and held hands when Larry walked over to them. "The honorable Judge Westbrooke presiding."

"You may be seated; except for you, Mr. Mann." The judge said. "Mr. Mann, you face a long list of charges: stalking, attempted rape, 3 counts of attempted murder, stalking a minor, and molestation. You have pleaded not guilty. After hearing evidence from both sides, and several first hand accounts from witnesses, I find you the defendant, GUILTY of all charges."

Neither Don or Meryl realized they had been holding their breath until the judge announced the verdict. Don brought her hand that he was holding tightly in his up to his mouth and kissed it. They both smiled, both of them with tears of relief in their eyes.

"I am sickened by what you have done to this family, and even more sickened that you have blamed the victims. This is why us fathers are afraid to let our children leave the house. I hereby sentence you to LIFE in prison." Judge Westbrooke ordered. "A protective order will be placed on the entire Gummer family immediately. You look at anyone in that family, try to contact them, or go through an acquaintance to contact them then we will increase your sentence. As for the trial, Mr. Kellerman, you better think twice about defending someone in my court again for which there is no case. Dismissed." With a smack of the gavel it was over.

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