Chapter 31

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While Meryl was upstairs showering and getting ready for bed, after Don promising her he was fine, Don was relaxing on the couch looking at Louisa's baby book. He looked at her first ultra sound picture for the longest time. He couldn't stop thinking about how his father treated Meryl when they found out she was pregnant and shared the wonderful news.


It was November 1990 and Meryl was pregnant with the fourth and last Gummer baby. She suggested to Don that they go to his parents for Christmas as it had been awhile since they had been to Indianapolis. He didn't want to, he never wanted to see his dad, but they knew it was the right thing to do. Supposedly he had changed since being released from jail and Meryl desperately wanted that for Don. Henry, Mamie, and Grace loved going to Indianapolis to see their cousins; and Don and Meryl enjoyed visiting with the rest of his family, they just tried to stay clear of his father as much as possible, only seeing him when they absolutely had to. Don never left his kids or wife alone with him. Traveling with an 11 year old, 7 year old, and 4 year old wasn't her idea of fun, but it was proper. They both knew it would probably be awhile until they would be able to travel out there once the baby was born; not that either one of them really wanted to go out there anytime. The kids didn't know she was pregnant, they planned on telling them Christmas morning as a present. When Meryl first told Don she was pregnant, once the shock wore off they wanted to tell the kids, but then decided because of her age to wait a little bit. They thought Christmas morning would be the perfect time.

It was Christmas Eve Day as Meryl and Don were standing on the porch as their kids rushed in to their grandparents' house. Don wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close. "How are you feeling, beautiful?" He asked with a kiss to her cheek.

"Actually, not too bad. Did you still want to tell your parents this morning?" She asked.

"Yeah, I want to do it before we tell the kids. I still can't believe you're pregnant." He laughed.

"You're telling me!" She joked. "I am getting bigger by the day."

"You are so beautiful when you're pregnant. I can't get enough of you." He said kissing her neck.

"I believe that is how I got pregnant in the first place." She said.

He turned her around to face him. "Excuse me, I distinctly remember you saying 'No, baby, don't leave me' when I tried to pull out. I distinctly remember those sexy legs of yours wrapped tightly around my waist." He said kissing her.

"Okay, okay, you win." She laughed.

He stood back and looked at her. "I most certainly do." He smiled. "Let's go tell my parents and distract the kids." He said taking a deep breath.

"I love you." She said with a kiss to his lips. Every time they were around his father she never wasted an opportunity to remind him of her love for him.

"I love you, let's go, preggers." He said making her laugh.


Don and Meryl were having coffee with his parents while the kids were watching cartoons; Meryl somehow was able to have juice without any questions asked. When there was a lull in the conversation Meryl looked at Don and smiled squeezing his hand. "Mom, Dad, there is something we wanted to tell you." Don said.

"I knew it!" James said causing Don and Meryl to exchange confused glances. "I told you this marriage wouldn't last!" James said.

Meryl was shocked, she wasn't sure why, this was typical James. She looked over and saw the tick in Don's jaw as he held onto her hand tightly. She knew he was already struggling for control and they had barely been there for 10 minutes. She immediately regretted her suggestion of going to Indianapolis. Don NEVER wanted to see James again after his role in the Kevin Mann shit; but he was doing this for his family. She should have known better but James had at least been civil in the past year or two on the extremely rare occasion they saw him. "Actually, father, NO!" Don said trying to keep his cool. "Quite the opposite, I knocked up my wife." He said proudly causing both him and Meryl to laugh.

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