Meet Ups

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*Chloe's Pov*

I woke up and I found my self in my closet. Oh yeah, I slept there last night. I walked downstairs to find everyone awake. "Ayee. The princess finally woke up," Jc smirked. "STOP DONT LOOK IM HIDEOUS!!" I yelled referring to my bed head. "You got that right," Trevor muttered. God, he's so annoying.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of Lucky Charms. My favorite, except I hate the marshmallows. I put them in a separate bowl. "Does anyone want my marshmallows?" I asked. They all looked at me strangely. I put them on the table and walked back to the kitchen. "THEY WILL BE MINE!!" I heard someone yell. I sat down and started to eat. Mhmm Heaven.

"Chlobird! Go get dressed. We have a meetup!!" I hear Kian yell. Ew a meetup, people will be there. "Kian? What do I consider the rest of the boys?" I asked Kian while he was picking out an outfit so I looked fabulous. "Um. I guess brothers," he smiled. I smiled back and shook my head. Kian left my room so I could get changed. He layed out black leggings with sparkles on the side and a white teeshirt that said all of their last names on it. He also took out my red converse. Zamn, he has style. I laughed at that thought.

I walked downstairs and Sam walked up to me. "Nice shirt," he smirked. I did one of those princess bows. We hopped into the car and drove to the mall. Let me tell you, there were girls, everywhere. Pictures were being taken left and right. People kept grabbing us. There were screams coming from the girls. All I wanted was to be home.

We walked to the food court where tables set up for us. I didn't sit at one Because I wanted to walk around. The boys kept signing things and I was bored. There were so many girls in one size too small shorts and cakes on makeup. #Basics

I got tired if watching them autograph peoples stuff so I walked over to a statue. "Oh my gosh, Connor and Jc are so freaking hot. But Trevor. Ew just ew. He sounds like a dying cat. And he's definetly gay," an annoying fake blonde said chomping on her gum. "How about you shut the hell up? Don't talk about my brother that way," I butted in. Trevor may not like me. And I may not like him, but NO ONE and I mean NO ONE talks about my new family that way. "What are you going to do about it? And Trevor doesn't have a sister," she said rolling her eyes. "I'll have you know I'm capable of a lot. And I'm Kian Lawley's little sister," I said matter-of-factly. "Oh honey. You're funny, but my baby Kian doesn't have a little sister. And even if he does, it wouldn't change Trevor being annoying. Plus, what can you do," she said shoving my shoulder. I winced in pain because that's where I had a bruise. "Aw is the little baby hurt," she smirked grabbing me by my shoulder. I used my back leg and kicked her in the stomach. She then grabbed my hair and sucker punched me in the gut. Im surprised I didn't puke!! How isn't anyone seeing this? I nailed her in the rib with a kick and she got a hold of my shoulders again. I snapped my shoulders quickly so I could turn around and I bit her wrist as hard as I could. She screamed in pain. That caused everyone, and I mean everyone to look at us. She almost grabbed me by the shirt but she saw Kian walking towards us.

"WHAT THE HELL CHLOE!!!" He screamed.

"SHE HURT ME KIKI!!" I yelled back showing him my shoulder with the hand print. She looked at him innocently and Kian just pointed towards the door. Her and her friend walked away shamefully. "She was saying that Trevor was ugly and sounds like a dying cat and that he's gay," I sniffled. "You can't just bite people," he chuckled. "Now let's introduce you to some fans."

We walked over to the tables and Kian made me sit down. Sam grabbed a microphone and talked.

"Is this thing on?" He asked. Everyone nodded.

"This is Chloe. Chloe Lawley. Kian's little sister. Please everyone, treat her with respect. We all love her and she doesn't deserve hate. Want to say something Chloe?" He asked pointing the mic to me. "No," I laughed causing everyone to chuckle.

The meet and greet went on for about another hour and we finally headed home. But first we are stopping by Olive Garden for dinner. We were too lazy to cook today. The food came and it was delicious. "So Chloe, wanna tell us what that little scene was about?" Ricky said from the passenger seat. Kian was driving. I was sitting next to Sammers. "The girl was being a meanie to Trevor," I said looking out the window. "Wow. Thanks I guess," Trevor said not even looking up from his phone. Omg he is like so annoying. I bit a girl because she was being mean to him and he's still like this. What did I ever do to him?

We arrived home and I hopped into the shower. The hot water pelting down on my skin hurt the bruise that was even more purple on my shoulder now. I heard the door open. "Chlo, it's only me. I just have to pee," I heard JC say. "I swear if you look at me or anything I will personally torture you to death," I said not joking one bit. He left and I got out of the shower. I changed into my soccer shorts and sweatshirt. It was Kian's old one. I loved it so much. I put on my SpongeBob slippers and ironically, they were watching SpongeBob.

"When am I starting school?" I asked curiously. "Actually next month. Because we have Vidcon to go too," Ricky said. "You are going to the same school as Trevor," Kian smiled. "WHAT?!?" Trevor and I yelled I. Unison. "B-but Trevor is in high school," I stuttered. "The middle school and high school are combing this year. And the district looked into your grades and said you need to be in a more advanced class," Jc explained. You see, I'm a straight A student. Everything has always come easy to me. I don't study. I just know everything. "What grade?" I asked nervously. "8th," Sam smiled. WHAT IM TO YOUNG FOR THIS AH!!! This is terrible.

School is going to start soon. Summer will soon come to an end. And Vidcon will start. But honestly the worst part is...

I'm going to the same school as Trevor.

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