Sick Day #2

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*Chloe's Pov*

I'm still sick. I can't stand this. I just want to run outside and play, but nooooo. I'm in a bed coughing, and writhing in pain. My stomach hurts so freaking bad. Too make matters worth, we ran out of medicine. And Kian just left to get more. I've been due 4 hours ago. I already finished the Sofia the First DVD and all of my homework. Hold on, there's someone at my door.

"Come in," my voice sounded hoarse.

"Hey boo thang, how you feeling?" Kian walked in.

"Could be better," I said forcing a smile. I tend to do that often, it's kinda a habit.

"Well Matt, from Magcon, is over to help me out with you children," he responded tucking my blankets in better.

"Do you want to move into the living room instead of being in your room?" Kian asked. I nodded my head while he gracefully picked me up. While being carried into the long hallway, a cool breeze hit my face. It felt so nice. Then, once again, I became cold and shivered. Kian had his arms around me and was really warm, like a big teddy bear. I like bears, they are so cute. Tigers are also cute. And then there are dolphins and just ahh.

Ki-Ki plopped me onto the couch and tucked me in like a burrito. I like burritos. Just kidding, I never had one. Anyways, I couldn't squirm around because my arms were stuck and so were my legs. I saw Matt in the kitchen and he came running towards me.

"Oh my poor Chloeeeee," he said dragging out the Chloe part like in Emblem3's song Chloe. Haha. That's funny.

Matthew put in Lion King for me while I slowly fell asleep.

*Trevor's Pov*

Do not, under any circumstances run in the rain with no clothes on. That came out wrong. I mean in only shorts and a Tshirt. You will get sick and die. Well not die, but feel like death. So basically that's what is going on. All of us, except Kian, decided to play in the rain. For once Kian made a smart choice.

All of us are sick in bed, while Kian is taking care of us. He is doing a great job too. Mostly paying attention to Chloe of course because she can't give herself medicine and stuff. I think that's illegal, probably not. For once I feel bad for her, she's the worst out of all of us. You can tell how pale she is and her personality is changed. She isn't as fiery and bubbly as she usually is, it's sad honestly. Chloe looks like she was hit by a truck. All of us do. We don't even eat together anymore so we don't get eachother sicker. Hopefully we don't get Kean-Da-Bean sick..

*Connor's Pov*

I JUST WANT TO GET UP AND RUN LIKE A WILD CHILD. GAHHHH. I hate being sick. It's like I'm an animal trapped in a zoo. I hate it. I just want to scream and shout and let it all out. Hehe that's a song. By...


Honestly, I didn't know Kian had all of this in him. When Chloe arrived, he has become a lot more mature. I guess he realized his sister needs help. We seriously need to do something nice for him.

*Sam's Pov*

Death is what I feel like. I can't breathe, I'm coughing up a storm, and occasionally nose bleeds. We all have been through about 5 boxes of tissues already. I give Kian major props for helping us out and not getting frustrated.

I would never be able to do that. *giggles*

*Ricky's pov*

I'm so sick I can't even work my sass. I haven't been able to twerk either. You don't know the struggle. You just don't.

At least I'm feeling better. A lot better actually. It's so much better than feeling like a burrito.

*Kian's Pov*

Matt turned on the lion king and Chloe was out like a light. She really liked him, and it was so cute there relationship. Like aww you cute children. That sounds like I'm shipping them 😳. I think that's illegal.

Haha that's a funny joke. Like my life.

Ahaha. I am cracking myself up. Anyways Chloe was due for more medicine, so if I were you, wish me luck.


A/N hey it's Nicki. I haven't updated in forever 😳. Anyways go check our new story Us Against the World please!!!

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