A Day at the Beach

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Kian's POV

Today I am going to have a day with my girlfriend Andrea. I think Its best that Chloe bonds with the guys.

"Ok, I can trust you guys to be responsible with Chloe at the beach right?" I asked them. " Kian please chillax. When have we not been responsible?" Connor replied putting his arm around the couch. "Don't ask a question you don't want the answer to bro," I answer cooly and leave the room.

Chloe's POV

Today I am going to the beach with O2L but Kian wont be there because he is going out with his girlfriend Andrea. I'm meeting het for the first time today but only for like 2 minutes. She is really pretty from the pictures Kian has shown me of her. Hopefully she will be as nice as I am hoping.

We are leaving for the beach soon so I put on a pink 1-piece bathing suit with an aqua dolphin on the front. I slip on a white cover up dress and my Sofia the First towel and join the guys in the living room.

"Where's Kian?" I ask. "He left a few minutes ago to meet Andrea," Ricky says. I'm a bit disappointed but I will meet her eventually so it doesn't matter. "Are we all set to go?" JC asks anxiously. "Yep, les go," Sam says jumping up.

*at the beach*

"I think here will be good," Connor states, laying down his towel. Right by the water, just how I like it. My sunscreen was already on so I started dancing around waiting for everyone and Ricky rook some pictures(pic on side). "Ok let's go swimming!" He said when he was done.

Trevor's POV

Chloe went to go swimming with the rest of the guys while I stayed up by the towels and such.

For some reason I just don't like Chloe at all. Mainly it's because I feel left out because everyone goes off to do stuff that Chloe wants to do without asking anyone and nobody seems to care. I know what your thinking, "Trevor what's wrong with you? You don't like an innocent little 8 year old? Your so mean, I hate you" blah blah blah. Well guess what, I cant help it, I just don't like her one bit. But I try to hide it because Kian is my one of my best friends and I don't want him to hate me, sometimes I just cant control my actions, ya know? She just, ughh, gets on my nerves.

Despite my rant about how much I hate Chloe, I put it aside and join my friends in the water.

"YEE Trevor's here!" Connor yells as I swim towards them. Oh Connor, so strange. "I have a great idea, why don't we go get shaved ice?" Sam suggests. "Yes! I love shaved ice!" Ricky exclaims running awkwardly out of the water. Everyone else starts to get out when something grabbed my arm. "Trevor can you stay in the water with me?" Chloe asks. "Ughh why me," I thought but just forced a smile and said, "Sure thing."

After a few minutes, I look around but cant find Chloe. Suddenly something pops up next to me, nearly giving me a heart attack. I scream and some water flies into my mouth as I choke on it. It was stupid Chloe. "Hi! Are you okay? Do you need the heimlich?" she asks. I cough a few times before answering. "It's liquid, stupid! What the hell were you thinking, scaring me like that!" and suddenly my hand is on her head and I push her forcefully under the water. I didn't regret it either.

Chloe's POV

After accidentally scaring Trevor half to death the next thing I knew I come up out of the water, gasping for air but also spitting out the seawater that had entered my lungs. I look up at his angry face and silently get out of the ocean.

I wonder why he doesn't like me. I mean I don't think I'm rude. Daddy always told me that I was a little smart-ass bitch. Is that what I was? Is that what Trevor saw me as? These deep thoughts filled my head when they were interrupted by the rowdy boys back with our shaved ice.

"A strawberry for you," JC said handing my the cup. "And a coconut for you," he said giving another to a soaking wet Trevor. I was debating whether or not to tell them that he tried to drown me. But I decided to keep it to myself since I didn't want ti be a tattle-tale or anything. Plus he would just deny it anyway.

After our shaved ice I figured it was time to get "payback" on Trevor. Luckily there was a REALLY fat, old man in a blue speedo not far from our spot. It was actually really disturbing. "Hey look guys its Trevor!" I yell pointing to the man. They all start dying of laughter, JC collapses on Connor and Ricky and Sam just like fall back onto the sand. Trevor looks at me with anger written all over his face. He got up and chased me around until he tackled me and shoved sand in my mouth. I tried to spit it out but he kept putting more in. Finally I slap him so he falls off and I sprint to the guys. "That was a good on Chloe," Sam said giving me a high-five.

After that whole incident, we decide to eat lunch. I took a bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and felt more sand crunch in between my teeth. "Ewww grody, there's sand in my sandwich!" I exclaim. "There's supposed to be idiot that why it's called a SANDwich," Trevor says in a smart-alecy tone. "Ooooooh burn," Ricky says giving Trevor a low-five. I get up, walk over to Trevor and push him down onto the hot summer sand. "Ha now your a SANDwich!" I say proudly. "DOUBLE BURN!" Ricky yells. Trevor get up and I back away slowly but I should have looked where I was going because i stepped in a seashell and my foot started to bleed.

Not hesitating, i hop on one foot over to him and wipe my foot blood all over his WHITE swim trunks. The other guys' mouths drop open when Connor finally says,"And on that note, I believe it's time for us to head home."

*at home*

Trevor's POV

I stand at the kitchen sink attempting to bleach the blood out of my swim suit when Kian walks through the door. "I'm home!" he yells so that it echoes through the house. He finds me in the kitchen and says,"Hey Trev. How was your beach day?""Great," I reply. We all agreed not to tell Kian what really happened at the beach that day; we didn't want me and Chloe getting into trouble. "Sounds good. I think I'm gonna get some sleep," he yawns. Everyone was asleep as well. Kian was out with Andrea almost the whole day. "Okay, night man," I reply.

After an hour of bleaching and scrubbing my trunks had slightly less if a stain. I was WAY too tired to make it to my room so i stretched out on the couch, listening to the TV soothe me to sleep.

Living with O2L, but bullied by Trevor?Where stories live. Discover now