Demi. Freaking. Lovato.

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Chloe's POV

I am SOOOO happy I'm not sick anymore! Because guess what? WE ARE GOING TO SEE DEMI FREAKING LOVATO IN CONERT. Can I just take a moment like ugh, QUEEEEEEN. I'm not really sure how we got the tickets but you know what, it doesn't matter because the important part is that we are going. The concert is in San Diego so we have to leave like earlyish because its like two hours away and um yeah. And AHHH I cant believe we are going. Demi Lovato is like my favorite singer she is like perfection.

We are in the car and Ricky keeps making vines and taking selfies. Ugh I swear that boy can be so basic. About halfway through the drive Connor's caffeine from his coffee started to kick in and he was bouncing off the walls. Or doors since we're in a car. He started making unhuman noises and putting his hand against the window and saying it was a dolphin...

Ricky's POV

YEE we are finally here!!! Ugh these stupid people need to move demselves so I can get to ma seat. We are sitting in a little box type thing kind of above the rest of the seats. I dont really know the technical term for it so thats what I will call it.

AHHHH we have such an awesome view of the stage! That way I can get a perfect view of the queen. Of course us being the un social people we are where on our phones the whole time while waiting for her to come. Trevor, Kian and I probably really annoyed like everyone else in that arena. I mean like we blasted Demi's songs and belted out the lyrics. It was crazy. At one point some jerk shouted, "Shut up you suck!" Like gurl waterbugs. Is you a hater? Well BAIIIIIII! Sassy.

Trevor's POV

Ugh Ricky is going all 'Sass Master' again. That boy need serious help. I went to the concession stand with JC and Chloe *rolls eyes* to get some food. Duh. JC and I picked up a can of Arizona for us and each of the boys. "Want one Chloe?" JC asked. "Ew no I hate Arizona," she answered. JC's eyes widened as well as mine. "You. Dont. Like. Arizona?!?!?" we said in unison. "How are you Kian's sister," I said telling her to talk to the hand. "Jeez," she scoffed. How rude. Before going back to our seats, we grabbed two soft pretzels, five packs of skittles, and nachos.

"Thank god you're back, the shows about to start!" Sam said motioning for us to sit down. "Oh yeah and we kind of wanted the food..." Connor said slowly taking the nachos and a can of Arizona. Just then the song Neon Lights started blasting and that was when Demi Lovato herself rose from a platform coming out of the floor. Fog surrounded her ankles and she began to sing.

The next thing I knew, we were all belting out the words and singing along with her. "BABY WHEN THEY LOOK UP AT THE SKY. WE'LL BE SHOOTING STARS JUST PASSING BY. YOU'L BE COMING HOME WITH ME TONIGHT AND WE'L BE BURNING OUT LIKE NEON LIGHTS!" I made a vine of us singing but the camera was facing her. Then she did something unreal. SHE WAVED AT US. Like actually in our direction looking at us. I am fangirling so hard right now oh my god.

Anyways about two hours later the concert was over. "Trevor you take Chloe to the car. We got to go to the bathroom real fast," Kian explained. I was scrolling through Twitter at the time so of course I wasn't paying attention. I just gave a "meh" and they where gone. "Ok brat lets go," I got up and motioned for her to follow me. "Wow and I thought you where actually going to start being nice to me," she replied. "Ha yeah thats not going to happen," I chuckled. I proceeded to walk out of the arena with Chloe behind me... maybe.

Chloe's POV

"Trevor! Trevor?!" I called. Ugh that little flop. He FORGOT me?!?! I mean come. On. Thats like pathetic even for him. Minus me being mad at him, I was kind of scared. This is my first time at a concert and now I'm lost. I decided to look for the bathrooms where the rest of the guys where. It's hard to fund though since I cant see over the peoples heads. I pushed past a lot of shady people. If I had anything valuable in my pockets I would be worried. "Excuse me lady," I pulled at a worker's uniform. "Yes dear?" she asked. "Where is the bathroom?" I answered. "Right over here," she led me to it. "Thank you!" I called as she shuffled away. I stood in the doorway of the men's restroom. I didn't go in because, well its the men's room duh. I called for Kian. No answer. I called for JC. No answer. I called for Sam. No answer. I called for Ricky. No answer. I called for Connor. No answer. They weren't there!! What the hell?!? The next thing I knew, tears were rolling freely down my cheeks and I wasn't stopping them. For the most part, the hallway was empty. There were a few people. Not that they cared enough to see what was wrong with me. Just then I ran into something, causing me to fall over.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry sweetie are you ok?!" the person frantically helped me up. "Yeah I'm ok th-" I dried my tears and looked up at the person staring at me. She whore her brown hair brushed to one side with a black hat on too of her head. Just like Demi did in the concert... "Um excuse me for asking, but are you... Demi Lovato?" I asked slowly. She smiled and said, "Yes I am. And you are?" Ok on the inside I kind of lost it but on the outside I just stammered out, "C-C-Chloe. I'm a HUGE fan." "Haha well thanks Chloe," she said and gave me a hug. OH MY GODFATHER DEMI FREAKING LOVATO GAVE ME A HUG. ME! "Well what are you doing here without a parent or anything?" she asked. "My parents aren't here," I said quietly, "but I am here with my brother and his friends. They kind of take care of me and I live with them." "Oh. Um where are they?" she said. "One of them was a moron and forgot me," I said, rolling my eyes at the 'moron' part. "That's terrible!" she exclaimed. I shrugged my shoulders.

Demi brought me to the little police station thing where I attempted to call O2L. And wow, the one time I need them to be in their phones, they're not on their phones. "They didn't answer," I sighed. "Oh. Well its getting kind of late, I have an idea, why don't we go into my tour bus and wait for them," she suggested. "Not that that doesn't sound awesome, but how do we know that they will notice tonight? Like what if they don't notice I'm gone until morning?" I asked. "I'll have my manager keep trying their numbers. If worse comes to worse, we just drive you back home. But why drive you back now when we can wait for them and have fun," she laughed. "Good point," I smiled.

Demi and I went to her tour bus around back of the building. She let me go in and it was AWESOME. It was like one of those RV camper things. Only cooler! There was two flat screen TVs, a full size bed in the back, a kitchen and a stereo the size of me! Which isn't that big but still. The two of us had a dance party to her new album that lasted until like midnight... oh well. I laid down on her couch and drifted off to sleep.

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