The devil called Trevor

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Chloe's POV

"We're going to the zoo-oo! We're going to the zoo-oo!" I chanted while we rode in the car to the zoo. In case you didn't realize we are going to the zoo. Im so excited!! I have never been to the zoo but Ki-Ki says that its so much fun.

We pull up and I jump out of the car. The guys just lazily walk towards the entrance. Ugh such noobs. They pay the admission and I grab JC's hand so I won't get lost.

I drag him to the bears first. They where so cute!! Six little brown bear cubs where wrestling. They reminded me of O2L because you know six cubs, six guys. And they where being all crazy like all of them do. "Hey look guys! They each look like one of you!" I giggled. "What do you mean?" Ricky asked. "See that one is you because its a sass master. That one is Ki-Ki because he wrestling and being crazy with the other one that is Connor. And the one over there is Sam. JC is over there looking at the clouds. And there's Trevor being a loner," I explained. They all laughed except for Trevor, noob, and we moved on. "OOO! Flamingos! So graceful!" JC said in a girly voice. We didnt stop though. Flamingos are boring.

We moved on to the cold climate animals. The first one was the penguins. And may i just say, ADORABLE! The babies where just so, UGH! I cant. Next up was the polar bears. Also adorable. And last was seals/sea lions. Sam and I decided to be crazy and take selfies with them. Judge me.

Before hitting the gift shop we stopped at the lion den. And Ricky and I started singing at the top of our lungs, "IVE GOT THE EYE OF THE TIGER AND FIGHTER DANCING THROUGH THE FIRE CUZ I AM A CHAMPION AMD YOU'RE GONNA HEAR ME ROA-O-O-O-O-O-OR!" "You guys are so embarrassing," Trevor said shielding his face. We just sang louder in his face. He pushed me and I fell over the fence into the den. "CHLOE!!!" they almost all screamed. You know except Trevor, why would he ever feel sorry for me. Why would anyone feel sorry for me? The loud roaring of the lions jerked me back to reality. "Don't. Move. A. Muscle," a worker said cautiously. He jumped the fence to get me. I did as i was told and stayed still. But the lion slowly started to walk towards me. I looked around and some people where video taping it. What the hell?! They think this is some fucking joke?! Ugh i hate people. The lion slowly crept closer but stopped right near my face. I heard JC let out a gasp. "Don't alarm it. Just stay still," the worker said soothingly. The lion growled in my face and then turned around and trudged away. I sighed in relief.

I was back with the nurse of the park, checking and making sure u didnt get hurt. Trevor walked in with Sam. "You ok Chlo?" Sam asked. "Im fine," I smiled softly. He grinned then turned and left leaving me with that devil child Trevor. "This is a new low, even for you," I scoffed at him. "Oh believe me, you haven't seen my worst," he sneered.

In an hour or so we where back at the house after a deadly silent car ride. "Im beat," I plopped on the couch. "We'll then go to bed," Connor said in a "duh" tone. I rolled my eyes a d trudged up the stairs and engulfed myself in the coolness of my sheets. But for some reason I couldn't fall asleep. Trevor's words where playing like a broken record in my head. "Oh believe me, you haven't seen my worst." My thoughts of what he could do to me scared me senseless and I laid there in the darkness of my room awaiting and dreading the works of the devil, also know as Trevor.

A/N- Hey is Hannah shanks for 1K reads!!! And soooo sorry for the lateish update!!

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