-Chapter 1-

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I sigh as I drive up to Blackwell Academy, the best school in Oregon.

I never thought I'd ever get into a school like this.

The only reason I'm even coming here is because of some deal my dad made with the principle. Apparently, they used to go to college together back in the day. They grew up in Seattle, like me, and even though I'm only a state away from my parents... I can't help feeling a bit homesick.

It was hard leaving them on my birthday... which just happened to land on the same day as orientation, but, as an official adult... I had to accept it... like an adult.

Still, It's hard not knowing anyone around here... well, that's not entirely true.

I know Kate Marsh and Warren Graham.

They were the first people to talk to me during orientation, they showed me around the school and showed me where all my classes were.

Kate is quiet and reserved, like me, while Warren is geeky and boisterous, also like me.

He's kinda cute, that Warren boy... although, he seems... how do I put this nicely?

A bit persistent, I guess?

He liked me instantly, even trying to hold my hand during the tour. Kate seemed a bit wary of me ( I guessed she is one of those people who has to know you well before you gain their trust) but after a while, she seemed to think I was alright.

As I pull into my assigned parking spot and park, I take out my schedule, familiarizing myself with the day's' plan.

Okay, Homeroom for first period, algebra for second, Photography third... blah blah blah blah.

The rest of my classes don't really matter to me, photography is what I'm looking forward to the most. God, I'm SOOO lucky because Mark Jefferson, my absolutely favorite photographer, is my teacher.

He has some of his work displayed across the school... I have to admit, the first time I saw them... they came off as extremely dark and really sexual but, who am I to judge... everyone has their own unique sense of style.

Anyways, I address the large bold lettering across the top of the paper: 'DON'T FORGET TO MEET DORM PARTNER!'.

Shit, I forgot about the duel dorms, I almost forgot that I have to share a dorm with... with.

I flip the card over and read the name of my dorm buddy for the next year.


Hmm... I wonder who she is.

I tried asking around, seeing if I could scrounge up some info on her, but everyone I asked gave me almost sympathetic looks, as if they were sorry I ended up with her. Kate even seemed sad and almost worried about me.

Warren said that all I needed to know to know was that she's bad news.

I won't judge a person I haven't even met yet.


"Shit!". I jump at the sound of the warning bell.

Oh, god. It's 7:30 already?! I think, looking down at my watch that flashes 7:25.

Fuck, I can't be late on the first day!

I jump from my car (Figuring I'll come back later for my luggage) and dash across the vast parking lot, catching a few students putting out their cigarettes.

Except for a blue haired girl and two blond-haired boys (one with shortish shaggy hair and the other with short gelled hair)... everyone else is leaves.

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