-Chapter 6-

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Turns out, David is a total sweetheart. He only pulled us out of class because he knows how relentless some teachers can be on scared new students. Chloe was right when she said this was a small town, almost all the teachers know their students personally and with me boing completely new....I'm an easy target.

Anyways, we're given the day off with David passing it off as a single day suspension.

"My step dad's the best, huh. Always lookin' out for me".

I nod and follow Chloe as she leads me out of our dorm, which is where we've been hanging most of the morning and mid-afternoon, "Yeah... he seems really nice".

"He is... you should get to know 'em".

Oh shit... is she inviting us to meet the parents? Maybe I was wrong... maybe she is into us.

"Max,". Chloe's strong booming voice breaks me from my thoughts.


"Dude, you're like, constantly zoning out... you need to get high,".

I blush, "Won't that just make me zone out even more?" I ask.

"It'll be the good kind of zoned out. Now come on, I got a stash in my truck," Chloe says as she takes my hand and leads me to the parking lot.

I've only been high once and even then it was an accident.

How was I supposed to know they were pot brownies... and who the fuck brings drugs to a sixteen-year-old's birthday party?

Then again, I barely even knew the girl, but my parents forced me to get out and socialize.

And now I'm not allowed to got to parties without parental supervision... nice.

I deserve to live a little, you know? Live on the edge... but getting high on school property with the head of securities daughter is pushing it. The most I'm willing to do is hang with her while she smokes.

"So... how do you know Warren?" I ask once we arrive at her beat up old pick-up and sit on the hood.

"I met 'em through Nate,".

Well, ya already knew that, dumbass.

"Yeah... I figured that much... but.. Why does he hate you?".

"Shit kid, hate is a harsh word wouldn't you say? Warren... 'strongly dislikes' me for some bullshit reason that I'm obviously not supposed to know. The kid had it out for me ever since Nate started hanging out with me more than him,".

"Oh," I say, coughing a little when Chloe blows a cloud of smoke in my direction.

"Fuck, forgot about your asthma... sorry,".

"No...It's okay ... just don't breathe on me".

She shrugs, "Fair enough. Oh, I've been meaning to ask... do ya got and Epi-pen?".

I raise an eyebrow, "Aren't those the things for people with allergies? Why would I have one?".

Chloe sits up and blushes a bit, "Oh... I- I uh, I did a bit of research last night... and uh, god forbid you had a big attack or something or... huh,... sorry. I'm a bit of a worry wart,".

I sigh and smile a bit, "Naw it's fine... nice to see someone cares about me".

"Aww, kid... I'm sure lotsa people care 'bout you," Chloe says encouragingly.

I shake my head a bit, "You'd be surprised,".

Another silence settles between us before Chloe reaches out to me.

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