-Chapter 5-

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I wake up to the sound of punk rock music being blasted throughout the dorm.

I sigh and cover my face with my pillow, groaning irritably.

It's been three days since the whole "Rachel" thing and Chloe hasn't really been handling it well. As far as I know, they're still going steady but... Rachael has only come around once in the past few days which is fine by me. But, Chloe's mood swings make it hard to sympathize with her, but I manage.

One minute she'll be moping about, waiting for Rachel to text her back and the next she'll be cussing up a storm, saying that she's taking too long.

Today must be a good day because I can hear her prancing around on her bed, dancing to the music.

"Come on, Mad Max... shake that boney white ass!" She says, throwing her pillow at me.

I sigh and throw it back, checking my phone instead. The time flashes 6:30 and classes don't start for another hour. Half the students in the dorms are probably still asleep.

"Uhg, Chloe... do you have any freaking idea what time it is?".

"Nope, and I don't care. With every rise of the sun, think of your life as just begun!" She replies, jumping clear across the room from her bed to my own.

I nearly get knocked to the floor.

"Chloe!" I say, laughing a bit.

She reaches down and pulls me up to my feet continuing to dance to the loud music.

'I got sunburnt waiting for the jets to land

Circus people with hairy little hands

Come on boys strike up the army band

I got sunburnt waiting for the jets

How do you feel?

How do you feel?

I can't seem to see through solid marble eyes'

"Haha, you're crazy!" I giggle.

"Yep yep. I'm fucking insane in the brain!".

She grabs hold of my hands and leads me in a weird shimmy style dance that mostly consists of moving my hips and torso.

I keep laughing, a warm, light laugh that makes Chloe smile...which makes me laugh even more.

When the song finally fades and our high energy movements turn into nothing more than a few simple head nods.

Chloe jumps down from the bed and goes to change the song.

I try to follow her but end up tripping over the sheets and fall face first towards the floor.

I half expect to face plant, but Chloe jumps in and catches me... or tries to.

We both fall over and land on top of each other with an "Oof!".

I don't know why, but... neither of us makes an attempt to get up.

We just stare at each other awkwardly until a knock on the door sends me shooting to my feet, "Uh. I- I'll get it!".

I immediately regret answering because it's none other than Warren.

I suddenly feel very indecent because I'm only in my pajamas, which are short shorts and a very loose tee-shirt.

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