-Chapter 36-

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Rachel Amber. Dead

Local teen actress shot dead after kidnapping three Blackwell teens

One hospitalized, Two injured.

Rachel Amber, daughter of Arcadia Bay's very own District Attorney, James Amber, has been killed. The up and coming actress; who had been arrested earlier this year on multiple accounts of domestic abuse, statutory rape, and assault, kidnapped three Blackwell youths with the aid of fellow accomplice Warren Graham as a revenge plot against her former lover.

Security cameras placed around Blackwell's campus picked up footage of Amber stalking and drugging the young Ms. Caulfield during the night of February 14th whilst she was returning to her dorm after a school party. Thankfully, before any real harm could be done, Mr. Prescott just happened upon the scene, jumping into action to protect Ms. Caulfield which ultimately ended in him being abducted instead.

-An unidentified Male, approximately 6'1, aided in this abduction, seeming to be in good relations with Amber herself. If you or someone you know knows the whereabouts of this unknown man, please contact your local Arcadia Bay police with this information-

Hours later, (February 15th) the same footage showed and injured, clearly disoriented Ms. Caulfield stagger away from the scene, struggling to return to her dorm, where a close friend (who wishes to remain anonymous) found her unconscious body. A medical report taken later the next day showed traces of an unknown drug that, when given in low doses, can render the user numb, clueless, and unable to move. After regaining consciousness, Ms. Caulfield was seen leaving campus with after corresponding with Graham, who gave them false information about Mr. Prescott's location.

Approximately 15 minutes after leaving, Graham was seen trailing two girls, disappearing out of sight of the cameras.

In the early morning hours of February 16th, police traced a call to a remote barn in the woods, just outside of town. Authorities discovered a torturous bunker under said barn where the students, Maxine Caulfield, Nathan Prescott and Chloe Price were found, tied up and severely beaten.

While Ms. Caulfield and Mr. Prescott received only superficial injuries, Ms. Price was rushed to a local hospital after sustaining a gunshot wound from Amber. Last knowns reports stated all three teens to be recovering nicely.

According to anonymous sources, Ms. Price and Ms. Amber were once in relations until late last year, prompting the abduction of Ms. Caulfield, Ms. Price's current partner. Graham allegedly threatened young Ms. Caulfield throughout the school year under the authority of Amber. The young 16-year old has been sentenced to 15 years in prison, the first two being spent in Juvie.

Ms. Caulfield, Ms. Price (despite her injuries) and Mr. Prescott been attending court in the ever-unfolding case of Arcadia Bay VS Amber, the biggest thing to happen to the small bayside town in more than 50 years.

"Max... are you even paying attention?" Chloe says, her voice snapping me back to reality.

I jump, ripping my attention from the newspaper article on the ground. "Shit... sorry," I mutter shaking my head slightly to rid my mind of all these heavy thoughts.

"Geez, and here I thought you'd enjoy having your hands all over me," she says, clearly trying to cut the tension already in the air.

"I'm only dying your hair, you perv," I say, my voice lacking its usual enthusiasm, "but I guess you're right... I never thought touching someone else's skelp would be so...intamate".

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