-Chapter 7-

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December 10th, 2013

Today is the first day of Christmas Break... meaning that I've been here at Blackwell for a little over four months.

Quite a bit has changed since my first day here.

For one Chloe and Rachael are back in action... and I mean that literally.

EWW... Never gonna forget that day.

Kate and I find time each week to stop and get tea together and bitch about life.

Warren got in huge trouble for basically assaulting me and Chloe, and was given an almost three-week suspension. The tiniest part of me felt bad for him... but not for long.

He's kept his distance from me, which is nice but... I can't help wishing Chloe was there to protect me.

She's been acting odd ever since that day in the diner. Like things are... weird between me and Chloe... I mean, things have always kinda been weird, but not like this.

She's like... being genuinely mean to me whenever Rachel's around... which is more often than usual.

They'll both gang up on me and pick out my insecurities, torturing me according to each.

Like last week, I'd come back late after a full day of studying at the library to find the dorm dark and seemingly empty. I didn't think much of it, since Chloe had briefly mentioned that her and Rachael would be out at some shit-hole party for the whole night.

Turns out there was no party and the 'wonder twins' were hiding in my closet, just waiting to jump out and scare me.

Let's just say they were successful in scaring me half to death. Only Chloe knew how easily startled I can get, especially when it's unexpected, so I can only assume that she was behind this.

On a happier note (not really though) my parents expect me to drive up to Seattle during the break for a quick visit. I

'm dreading it since, after the whole 'suspended for a day' thing, my parents think I'm wasting my scholarship on being a spoiled delinquent.

As if, I actually care about my future, unlike Chloe, who, once again, has been cutting class and expecting me to get the notes and assignments she's missed... ugh.

I will give her credit for actually doing her own work and getting exceptionally good grades, especially in science and chemistry.

Despite being a nuisance and a straight up pain in the neck... Chloe... I... *sigh* I still find myself falling for her more and more each day-


I jump a bit, slamming my journal shut when someone barges into the dorm.

"Good night, Rach... I'll call you in the morning. I love you," Chloe says to her phone as she closes the door behind her.

["Yeah, yeah, whatever. I gotta go now, see ya,"] I hear Rachel respond before hanging up.

Geez... that was harsh... bitch didn't even say 'I love you' back, I think to myself.

Chloe heaves a heavy sigh and pulls the phone away from her face before planting herself down on the bed.

"God, I'm such an idiot... idiot, idiot! " she mutters, angrily to herself before looking up at me.

I swivel around on my chair and smile at her, hoping that might cheer her up a little.

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