-Chapter 20 (Pt. 2)-

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And just like that, I start crying like the little bitch that I am. I honestly can't help it anymore. I need to cry. I've been holding this shit in all day cause I wanted to be strong for once, act like it doesn't hurt but does, it really does.

I can tell I freaked Nathan out a little cause he comes up and embraces me in an odd loose manner, "Um... uh, it's... it's okay. D- do ya want me to call Chloe? Waterworks are sorta her department".

I chuckle a little and hug him back, "Yeah... I- I'd like that,".

"Heh, you two sure have been getting close, eh?" Nathan asks nervously, pulling away from the hug.

I nod again and wipe my face, "S- she's kinda my g- girlfriend now s- so... yeah,".

Nate smiles and sighs, "Ugh, finally. Chloe would not shut up about you whenever we'd hang. It was always 'Max did this' or 'Max did that'. Huh, it was fucking adorable".

I blush deeply, figuring Nathan would be the first to hear about our newfound relationship.

Welp, at least he's okay with it.

Nate smiles a little but then returns to his 'serious' face, "Guess this means Chloe and Rachel finally had a fallout then... huh?".

"Y- yeah," I reply.

Pfft, it was more like "Clash of the Titans", eh?

He sighs and brushes his hand through his hair, "Shit. Why didn't she tell me?!".

"I- it was really h- hard on, Chloe," I explain, "Rachel almost k- ... Rachael almost really hurt Chloe... and I couldn't let her do that".

Nathan's eyes grow wide as I show and tell him about how I really busted my hand.

"Damn, I knew Rachel could get her rage on, but this just takes the cake," he says with a tired sigh,"Where's she now?".

"I don't know. David won't tell either of us anything, but Chloe went with him when Rachel was arrested. So, I get the feeling that Chloe knows more than she's letting on," I reply with a simple shrug, finally allowing myself to calm down.

"That's probably the case. Chloe's good at keepin' things a secret, even from the people closest to her".

I nod a little and shift awkwardly on my feet, wondering if Chloe's ever going to trust me enough to reveal her secrets to me.

I sniffle again and drag my hoodie sleeve across my nose.

Nate reaches out and rests his hand on my shoulder, "Hey, you okay? Want me to walk you to your dorm?".

I nod again and smile softly, "Yeah, I- I'd like that,".

"Well, come on then," he says, putting a protective arm around me, "Do ya still want me to call Chloe?".

"N- no, actually. I- I think I'm okay," I mutter following his lead.

"Are you sure, you seem pretty upset. I'd hate to leave you alone".

"I- I actually want to be by myself for a bit. Clear my head," I say, "Anyways, I think Chloe does too, she ditched right after 2nd period".

Nathan goes silent for a second, creating an unnecessary awkward silence as we walk out of the school and into the nearly deserted quad.

I look up at him slightly concerned, "What?".

"You of all people know how Chloe's mood can turn on a dime. I'm just worried 'bout her, is all".

I freeze at a sudden, terrifying thought, "Y- you don't think she'd try and...-".

"No," Nate answers sharply, "Chloe can hate life at times but she's not stupid".

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